"Make no mistake. The Americans are enemies"             
 "The only factor that matters is appeasement: appeasing our enemies on both 
sides of the line - the Americans and the Arabs.  Make no mistake. The 
Americans are enemies. Under the leadership of Condoleezza Rice and Bush (in 
that order), the United States has been transformed into one of Israel's most 
dangerous foes. The policies being forced down our throats, including 
abandonment of virtually all of Judea and Samaria, as well as Jerusalem, is 
only the beginning. The Golan Heights are not far behind."
___________ Source: Israel National News
 Sure didn't take long for our "bestest" buddies in the ME, Israel, to turn on 
its #1 benefactor and provider of money, weapons and political backing.
 All because they didn't like the Iran NIE that came out and said Iran was NOT 
making nukes.
 The hard-core Zionists are crying in their Mogan David wine, even thinking the 
unthinkable: They might have to give back what they stole from Syria--the Golan 
Heights-- in Israel's 1967 War of Aggression. 
 Zionist anger could turn into a rage that won't be quelled by oodles and 
boodles of more US tax money to the Khazars. They might decide to lash out at 
the U.S. and attack us again, like they did in 1967's attack on the USS Liberty 
and the 2001 attack on New York and Washington.
 Or they might get pissed enough to invoke the "Samson" option on the world and 
bring down Armageddon on us all.
 Heck, Israel, you know what always cheers you up? Sending out some of your ZOF 
(Zionist Occupation Force) Goon Squads to shoot some Palestinian kids in the 
 Or another fav:  Invading Lebanon and bombing them back to the Stone Age...er, 
uh, guess after your murderous Summer of 2006 bombing campaign against Lebanon, 
another one would just make the rubble bounce...Hell, that's no fun for those 
crazy Zionist party monsters.
 Hey!!! How about cutting off the power to Gaza hospitals? That's always good 
for some hearty laughs at Likudnik gatherings. Nooooo?
 Deny the food and medicine that Gaza needs to survive from entering the Strip? 
 That should put a smile on your Zionist mug!!!!!
Source: http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/


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