Open Letter to Senator/Presidential Candidate Barak Obama

Dear Senator Obama, 

We Palestinians, whether in Palestine that was occupied in 1948, or
Palestine that was occupied in 1967 and in our diaspora/Ashatat counting now
over ten million uprooted people, were shocked and saddened to read your
letter addressed to Mr. Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. We
were shocked and astonished that you, especially as a U.S. citizen of
African roots, would not have remembered the stance of the Zionist state of
Israel during the uprising/Intifadah of the non-white people in South
Africa. Those men and women, who are a part of the indigenous population of
the continent where your roots are still deep in its soil, were not
supported in their struggle by Israel. In fact, this rogue state was one of
the very few countries in the world to ally itself and supply the apartheid
colonizing establishment in South Africa with all its requirements of arms
and weapons to maintain its apartheid regime, so that it could fight and
subjugate the revolting citizens of the colony, who only sought to obtain
equal rights in the place of their birth. 

We were astonished to read that you support the apartheid state by saying
"Israel has the right to respond". 

Has it not occurred to you, Mr. Senator, why the indigenous population of
Palestine have been uprising for so many decades, and suffering the death of
thousands and thousands of their men and women of all ages including the
very young and very old, who are living in refugee camps away from their own
homes and land that they had been developing with sweat and blood for
thousands of years? We are saddened that a man of your caliber who promotes
the rights of the subjugated masses in your great nation, the United States,
and everywhere in the world, who condemns the Bush regime because of the
wars it is waging around the world resulting in thousands of deaths, with
its maimed men and women serving in your nation's armed forces away from
their homes and beloved ones expresses such opinions regarding our people.
You are aware of the millions of deaths, the men, women and children who
have become disabled, and the other millions of individuals who have been
uprooted and are living in the status of poor refugees in and out of their
homelands as a result of these criminal wars? Mr. Senator Obama, how is it
possible that a personality of your status, caliber and intelligence has
missed to read, see and hear the news of how Palestinians in occupied
Palestine are treated like slaves if not animals, which is by far worse than
the way enslaved Africans were treated for centuries by the American
colonizers? Did you read, hear or see how those Palestinians are tortured
and dehumanized on the over 750 checkpoints and crossings all over the
occupied West Bank of Palestine? Did you hear, read or see how barbaric
Zionist colonizers are still stealing more and more Palestinian land to
build more Zionist colonies over what remained unoccupied and un-stolen of
Palestinian Arab land, and how these wild racist colonialists are cutting
down millions of centuries' old olive trees, razing thousands of acres of
farmland, demolishing thousands of residential, office and industrial
buildings and leaving thousands of people living in the open air or tents in
the heat of the summer or the freezing cold of the winter? We doubt that you
don't have the courage to admit that you have heard, seen or read about the
apartheid wall that Zionists unashamedly call "security wall" while the main
reason is to steal more land in the 22% left of Palestine unoccupied in
1948, and let's not forget the stealing of fresh water resources to be used
by Zionist colonialists to be pumped back out of their sewage system as
filth and flooded over the fields of the poor Palestinians who have not been
colonized yet?! And you turned your face away pretending not to have seen,
heard or read about all that and many and many other war crimes the Zionist
state of Israel that had been denying Palestinian Arabs to exercise their
Right of Return to their stolen homes and land!!!! 

It would be a shame if a man of your caliber and status does deny seeing,
hearing and reading all about these atrocities against a people that belongs
to the human race in the twentieth century, only because he might gain the
blessings of the Zionist Israeli lobby, to be elected as president of the
United States, while knowing well that those who control the possibilities
and means shall put all the barriers and checkpoints in your way to deprive
you of this pleasure. 

Mr. Obama, have the courage to include among the causes you fight for to
admit that Palestinian Arab resistance are the people who are fighting in
self defense and not the other way round. 

Palestinian resistance, by international legal rules, is accorded every
right to use any means to regain all their rights in their land and as human
beings, and live in a democratic, free and sovereign state. 


Adib S. Kawar

An uprooted Palestinian Arab still living as a refugee for the last 60 years

Beirut –Lebanon
ZOG Report: Obama: Israel was forced to close Gaza

http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ pages/rosnerBlog .jhtml?itemNo= 865078

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