Extract from CNN.com
Palin's town charged women
for rape exams
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's hometown required women to pay
for their own rape examinations while she was mayor,
a practice her police chief fought to keep as late as 2000.
Madame Sarah Palin while being a Mayor to her hometown in Alaska
decided that the laboratories-test-expenses related to a rape crime
must be paid by the victim herself ( or himself ) and not by the state.
If by chance ,
this lady becomes the Vice-President of that greatest-Democracy
history has known.........
and following that same Palin-philosophy and Palin-attitude ,
Sarah Palin will demand that the US- people pay for the investigation
that will lead for the impeachment of George Bush
and the Iraqi-people to pay the bill for the United-Nation-Inspectors ,
who after 5 years, have never found the Weapons of Mass Destruction ,
and the Iraqi people to pay the bill to repatriate  the 174.225  US-troops
+ 478 Tanks + 156 air-planes + 254 Helicopters + 360 Mossade-Agents.
of course if Palin looses ,  then Joe Biden might be inspired
by her evaluation and understanding of the term "guilt" or "victim".
Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom


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