In the Name of Almighty Allah
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

Wa Ba'd:

I begin by praising and thanking Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. O Ya
Rabbal Ala'meen! We, the Ummah of Your Beloved Rahamathul Liel Aala'meen
Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam - thank You for Your great Gift of Ma'rifah and
Tawhid, and of servanthood and Muhabbat during the Mubarak Month that has
just concluded. We thank You for blessing us with Islamic Brotherhood, and
for bestowing honour and dignity on humanity, for teaching us patience and
trust, and for urging benevolence and generosity during this auspicious
month of Tilawat, obedience, Ibadah, Sabir and Goodness.

We invoke Your Blessings on Nabee Muhammad al-Mustafa Sallallahoo Alayhi
Wasallam, Your servant and Messenger, who hoisted the banner of Tawhid and
justice, raised the call of human dignity, and liberated mankind from the
servitude of anyone or anything besides You. May Peace be on his immaculate
his companions and all worthy and obedient servants of Almighty Allah and
all sincere believers in this life and in the Aghirah.    Ameen!

O Ummathul Muslimeen!  With the successful completion of Ramadan, we pray
Insha'Allah that Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala has accepted our fasting,
our devotions, our good deeds, our Ibadah, our Taubah and our Zakat. The
great month of Glory should have induced in us a greater awareness of our
purpose in life and a discipline and determination to work towards that
purpose for the next eleven months Insha'Allah; Bie Itt'Nillah - Ameen!  Our
gathering to bid our sad farewell to the month of Love is not one of allies
brought together by certain common interests, so that when  other interests
emerge at some other time our bonds should be severed. That is most
certainly not so!

We are brothers and sisters, who have been eternally related by our faith in
the Most Holy and Glorious Qur'an and who have become a single body, the
Ummah of Nabee Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam. Let us
reflect and ponder upon who we are, and the great blessings that have been
bestowed upon us. What lessons have we learnt from this Most Holy and
Auspicious Mubarak Month? Yes my most beloved brothers and sisters! It is an
open secret that we have accepted this bond as something inevitable through
our submission to the Din of Al Islam.

Differences, disputes, and even tensions, may cast a pall on this fact, but
Alhumdoelillah, they can always be washed away by recourse to wisdom, reason
and forbearance. Let us therefore view the conclusion of this most glorious
month of Love and Sabir in such a spirit so as to be able to draw the
benefits from it for our own selves and that of the great Islamic Ummah.
Islam is the religion of humanity, moderation, wisdom, and submission to
Almighty Allah Jallah Wa'ala, and without doubt all religions have been such
before being subject to distortion. Islam presented to humanity the remedies
of human  afflictions and sufferings, remedies which were free from any
form of  extravagance, excess or neglect, and which were appealing and
acceptable to reason. Despite what the avowed enemies of Islam have to say,
Islam did it in the past and will continue to do so till the Last Day.

Alhumdoelillah! Ramadan has taught us that Islam is, and will continues to
be the Only True Path leading to a new world and holding out the promise of
a life of Muhabbat, understanding, felicity, morality and salvation to
mankind. Islam invited humanity toward the remembrance of Almighty Rabbul
Ala'meen. It taught man and exhorted him to combat evil, aggression and
corruption and to a constant struggle against egotism, selfishness, the
accumulation of material wealth, and the pursuit of carnal desires. The
principal precepts of Al Islam have been established on this basis, and
Islam's programme for man's individual, social, moral and political life has
grown out of these roots.

In the political system of Islam, social justice, different types of
freedom, equitable peace, combat with oppression and aggression, the
relationship between the sexes, the relations among individuals in society,
the mutual relations between communities, as well as self-edification and
the inner relation of every person with Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal  - all
are based on those foundations and geared to the treatment of those old and
chronic ailments. Yes! Western liberalism, communism, socialism, and all
other isms have gone
through their tests and proved their incapacity. As in the past, the Din of
Al Islam today is the only remedy and angel of deliverance. This wonderful
call echoes today as it did fourteen centuries ago as we learn from verses
15 and 16 of Surah Al Ma'idah:

"Indeed, there has come to you a Light and a clear Book from Allah;
with it Allah guides whoever will follow His Pleasure on the Paths
of Peace and brings them out of manifold darkness into Light by
His Will and guides them to the Path of Seerathal Mustaqeem."

O Ummathul Muslimeen!The luminous visage of Islam has been defiled in the
course of several centuries by the avowed enemies of Allah, and for a longer
span of time by ignorant and heedless friends who have, deliberately or out
of sheer ignorance, subjected it to additions or deletions. Ramadan has
taught us that our foremost duty is to understand Islam and to make it
understood and to become more familiar with one another. The purpose of this
reminder is not to brag about the past. The aim is to underline the fact
that that which created that civilization, that is, Islam and its
life-giving teachings, are still at our disposal, and they summon us with
the Divine Call as we learn from verse 24 of Surah Al An'am:

"O you who have faith! Answer (the Call of) Allah and
His Nabee when he calls you to that which gives life."

At the present juncture, the world of Islam is in a calamitous condition due
to intense hatred, fear coupled with the inner factors relating to the past
generations. Poverty, ignorance, moral laxity and the cultural and at times
political domination of its avowed enemies on the one hand and, on the
other, such great problems of those of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Kashmir, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Caucasus, the Philippines, Burma, and
other regions - these make a long list of the divine and human
responsibilities of the leaders of the Muslim World. Today the Muslim Ummah
is eager to acquire self-confidence, honour and
independence. As Muslims, all of us should make efforts to this end. This is
a historical responsibility. Today, the ground is ready for fulfillment of
this duty and for acquisition of prestige, power, and full independence of
the world of Islam.

O you who believe! Our wealth, our resources, our Muhabbat and our sincere
feelings of caring and sharing should for always indicate our deep and
profound gratitude and appreciation to Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal in the way
of our good deeds, and by remembering the poor, the needy and the under
privileged amongst us as well as the plight of our brothers and sisters in
other parts of the world who are torn apart by war, repression and
oppression. In these times of tension and heartache, we should not neglect
the power of Ibadah and supplication to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
We pray Insha'Allah to our Glorious Creator to cleanse the hearts of the
Ummah of all traces of conceit, ego, vain-glory and rancour.

During the blessed month of Ramadan, we were fasting during the day. We
spent our nights in Ibadah. We were getting closer to our Most Exalted
Creator and Maker through all our good deeds and hoping for His reward and
fearing His punishment. Now that the month has sadly ended we have to face
the future. In fact, every day of our lives is another stage or another step
towards the Aghirah where we will be presented with all our deeds, not just
our good deeds performed during Ramadan but with all our deeds during our
life here on this Doonya.

Alhumdoelillah! Ramadan has taught us that Islam is indeed a religion with a
difference. It is not a collection of dogmas, rites or practices, but is a
way of life, a system. It is the Din of Almighty Allah and it is an attempt
to grapple with actual realities and problems of life, working inwardly as
much as outwardly. In its wonderful workings, Islam looks in as much as the
inner nature of a human being as to its outwardly needs and goes completely
hand in hand with the life of a Muh'mins' faith. Islam is not a closed
system; it is open at one end to the infinite diversity of mankind, and at
the other end to the infinite Greatness of the Divine.

May Almighty Allah Tabaraka Wata'ala grant us all the strength and Sabir to
display forbearance, magnanimity, mercy and compassion in our dealings with
others. This is essential if we are to realize the strength that comes from
unity if we are to attain to the Divine Favour which is the object of all
our striving. May we be granted the success where the Most Holy and Glorious
Qur'an will become the most treasured and cherished possession in our lives
then the reward  and Baraka'h will Insha'Allah not be limited only to
Ramadan but we will be enjoying  the fruits of Muhabbat, love and compassion
every day of the year for the rest of our lives.  Ameen - Ya Rabbal

And all Praise is Allah's at every beginning and end.
And the end of all goals is the Love of the Exalted Creator.

Baarak Allaahu Feekum -  Wasallallahu wasallam 'alaa
Nabiyyinaa Muhammad Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam

Was Salamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

Abdul Hamid.


"Prayer is the stepping stone of rewards and success when my life has its 
trials and my eyes has its tears"…Zohra Moosa


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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