11. Chapter: On Striving (Mujahada)
Allah Almighty says, "As for those do jihad in Our Way, We will guide them to 
Our paths. Truly Allah is with the good-doers," (29:69) and the Almighty says, 
"And worship your Lord until whay is Certain comes to you." (15:99) The 
Almighty says, "Remember the Name of your Lord, and devote yourself to Him 
completely," (73:7) and the Almighty says, "Whoever does an atom's weight of 
good will see it" (W99:8; H99:7) The Almighty says, "Whatever good you send 
ahead for your yourselves, you will find it with Allah as something better and 
as a greater reward." (W73;18; H73:20) The Almighty says, "Whatever good you 
give away, be Allah knows it." (W2:272; H2:273)
95. Abu Hurayra said that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "Allah Almighty 
said, 'I have declared war on anyone who shows enmity to a friend of Mine. My 
slave does not draw near to Me with anything I love more than what I have made 
obligatory on him. And my slave continues to draw near to Me with superogatory 
actions until I love him. When I love him, I become his hearing with which he 
hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his 
foot with which he walks. If he were to ask Me for something, I would give it 
to him. If he were to ask Me for refuge, I would give him refuge.'" [al-Bukhari]
96. Anas reported from the Prophet, (PBUH), in what he reported from his Lord, 
the Mighty and Majestic. He said, "When the slave comes towards Me a hand-span, 
I go an arm-length towards him. When he comes towards Me an arm-length, I go a 
fathom towards him. When he comes towards Me walking, I go towards him 
running." [al-Bukhari]


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