13. Chapter: On The Clarification Of The Many Paths Of Good
Allah Almighty says, "Whatever good you do, Allah knows it," (W2:213; H2:215) 
and the Almighty says, "Whatever good you do, Allah knows it." (W2:196; H2:197) 
The Almighty says, "Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it" (W99:8; 
H99:7) The Almighty says, "Whoever acts rightly, it is to his own good." 
(W45:14; H45:15)
130. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "Five 
prayers, and Jumu'a to Jumu'a, and Ramadan to Ramadan are expiation for 
everything between them if major wrong actions are avoided." [Muslim]
132. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, 
"Whoever prays the two cool ones (i.e. the Subh and 'Asr prayers) will enter 
Janna." [Agreed upon]
133. Abu Musa reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "When a slave 
of Allah is ill or travelling, the same is written for him as what he would 
normally do if he were healthy and at home." [al-Bukhari]
135. Jabir also reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "No Muslim 
plants something without what is eaten from it being sadaqa for him. Even what 
is stolen from it is sadaqa for him. And no one visits it without that being 
sadaqa for him." [Muslim]
In one variant of it, "No Muslim plants something from which man, animals or 
birds eat without it being sadaqa for him until the Day of Rising."
In another variant of it, "No Muslim plants a tree or sows a crop from which 
birds, man or beasts eat without it being sadaqa for him."
141. Abu Musa reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "Every Muslim 
should give sadaqa." He said, "What about if someone has nothing to give?" He 
said, "He should get work and earn something and give sadaqa." He said, "And if 
is unable to do that?" He said, "He should help someone in need." He said, 
"What if he cannot find anyone?" He said, "He should command what is right or 
good." He said, "What if he cannot do that?" He said, "He should refrain from 
evil. That is sadaqa for him." [Agreed upon]


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