27. Chapter: On respecting the sacred things of the Muslims, clarification of 
their rights and having compassion and mercy for them
Allah Almighty says, "If someone honours Allah's sacred things, that is better 
for him his Lord's sight," (22:30) and the Almighty says, "As for those who 
honour Allah's sacred rites, that comes from taqwa in their hearts." (22:32) 
The Almighty says, "And take the believers under your wing," (15:88) and the 
Almighty says, "If someone kills another person - unless it is in retaliation 
for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth - it is as if he had 
murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if 
he had given life to all mankind." (5:32)
224. An-Nu'man ibn Bashir reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, 
"The metaphor of the believers in their mutual love, mercy and affection is 
that of the body. When one limb of it complains, the rest of the body collapses 
with sleeplessness and fever." [Agreed upon]
227. Jarir ibn 'Abdullah reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "If someone 
does not show mercy to people, Allah will not show mercy to him." [Agreed upon]
 228. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "When any 
of you lead other people in prayer, you should make it short, for among you are 
there are weak, sick and old people. When you pray by yourself, you can make it 
as long as you wish." [Agreed upon}


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