Thank you and wish you the same


I wish to thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts and reflections.

Regards & best of wishes,

Ibrahim Hayani


> Note: forwarded message attached.
> Abida Rahmani
> If all the trees in the world were used to make paper it would not be 
> sufficient to write all the blessings provided to us.
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> Subject:
> view doraquran Quiz result And eid mubrak
> From:
> "robinazia" 
> Date:
> Thu, 11 Oct 2007 22:27:58 -0400
> To:
> To:
> Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,
> As-salamu-'alykum-wa-rahmatullaahi-wa-barakatu
> View The all progress doraquran quiz result go to this link .
> Eid Mubarak!
> Eid....a Time of joy, A time of happiness, And a time of gratefulness. 
> Alhamdulillah, After An Entire Month Of Ramadan, Allah (SWT) blessed 
> us with this blessed day. But SubhanAllah, We Feel Sad That Ramadan 
> Has Already Come And Gone, Never To know If We will be Alive For The 
> Next Time It comes around.
> May Allah Accept All Our Deeds During Ramadan, And Allow Us To 
> Continue,And Build Upon Our 'Ibadah During The Month For The Rest Of 
> The Year.May Allah Bless You On this Auspicious Day of Eid, And May It 
> Be A New Beginning of Greater Prosperity, Success And Happiness. Wish 
> you a Happy Eid Mubark I wish you ALL a very happy .
> I wish You ALL A Very Happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your 
> Good Deeds, Forgive Your Transgressions And Ease The Suffering Of All 
> Peoples Around The Globe.
> * 
> Eid Mubark * 
> * 
> The 
> Spirit of `Eid Al-Fitr* 
> By Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi** 
> [Praise be to Allah Who guided us to this (way). Never could we
> have found guidance, had it not been for the guidance of Allah.]
> (Al-A`raf 7:43)
> [If you give thanks I shall give you more, and if you are
> ungrateful then My punishment is severe indeed.] (Ibrahim 14:7)
> [Remember Me and I shall remember you, and give thanks to Me and
> be not ungrateful.] (Al-Baqarah 2:152)
> O Allah, We thank You for all Your gifts and favors to us. You sent to 
> us the best Book, chose for us the best human being as a Prophet, and 
> gave us the best guidance that You chose for us.
> O Allah, we thank You, You deserve all thanks. We thank You in private 
> and in public.
> O Allah, We thank You with love and with our free choice.
> O Allah, we thank You that You blessed us with faith in You. You made 
> it easy for us to fast in the month of Ramadan, to pray in its nights, 
> and to recite Your Glorious Book.
> Today is the day of `Eid, and `Eid is the day of thanks. It marks the 
> end of the month of fasting. We feel happy and we give thanks to Allah 
> that we obeyed His commands; we fasted during the month of Ramadan. 
> Allah's commands are good for us. They are for our benefit. Allah does 
> not want to put any burden on anyone, but He gave us the rules of 
> fasting for our own benefit. Fasting has many benefits for individuals 
> and for communities. It has spiritual, moral, and physical benefits. 
> It has benefits for the individuals and for the society. Fasting--
> 1. Teaches self-discipline
> 2. Raises the level of God-consciousness
> 3. Helps human beings to rise above materialism and selfishness
> 4. Makes people more humble, kind, charitable, and righteous
> 5. Brings people closer to each other as a community
> 6. Teaches patience and steadfastness
> 7. Gives more energy and courage to do good deeds
> 8. Makes people healthy and strong
> 9. Makes people mentally alert and psychologically stable
> 10. Purifies bodies and souls
> Brothers and sisters:
> As we gather here today, there are two feelings that are clearly 
> uppermost in our hearts and minds: the feeling of joy and satisfaction 
> on the completion of our religious duty, and the feeling of 
> brotherhood, sisterhood, and solidarity among ourselves.
> We are the people of faith. We are the servants of Allah. What pleases 
> us is that which pleases our Lord. We are brothers and sisters in 
> faith. We feel happy when we come together in the name of our faith, 
> representing diverse colors, races, and ethnic backgrounds. We come 
> together in the spirit of Islamic brotherhood, in the name of Allah, 
> and following our faith, Islam.
> Let us keep this spirit of `Eid among us always. Let us strengthen our 
> bond with our Creator and with each other. Let us be more united. Let 
> us all become more and more committed to righteousness in our own 
> lives, in the lives of our families, and in the society in which we live.
> Brothers and sisters:
> Islam is the religion of worship, `ibadah. But worship in Islam is not 
> a mere collection of rituals. It is a whole way of life. Worship helps 
> us to remain conscious of Allah and of our own selves. It makes right 
> our relations with every person and with every thing. The people of 
> worship are the people who are good to their families, to their 
> children, to their parents, to their neighbors, to their co-workers, 
> to the environment, to the resources of the earth, and to the world at 
> large. The people of worship make everything right and everything 
> good. `Ibadah is the crux of the matter. It is the purpose of our 
> creation. [I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship me] 
> (Adh-Dhariyat 51:56).
> Worship has a purpose. Its purpose is to set aright everything. 
> Worship sets aright our relations with our Creator, with our own 
> selves, with our families and with others. If we worship, but others 
> are not safe and secure from our words and our actions, then we have 
> not learned anything from our worship. If we pray and do injustice to 
> others, if we pray and ignore the cries of the poor and those in pain, 
> if we pray and do not care for those who are suffering in our 
> neighborhood and around the world, then our prayers have not done us 
> any good. If we pray but we do not try to change the social, economic, 
> and political injustices and oppressions in this world, then we have 
> not realized the true meaning of our worship.
> The real `ibadah or worship is that which changes the people. It 
> transforms them into the real people of Allah. The people of Allah are 
> described in the Qur'an:
> [Whatever ye are given (here) is (but) a convenience of this Life:
> but that which is with Allah is better and more lasting: (it is)
> for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord; those who
> avoid major sins and shameful deeds, and, when they are angry even
> then forgive; those who answer the call of to their Lord, and
> establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual
> consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for
> sustenance; and those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted
> on them, (are not cowed but) help and defend themselves.]
> (Ash-Shura 42:36-39)
> The people of Allah are the paradigms of virtue and goodness. They 
> stand for peace and justice in the world. They are not only satisfied 
> with their own personal righteousness and salvation, but they work to 
> bring justice, peace, and happiness to the world.
> Brothers and sisters:
> I am pleased to see so many of you here today. I wish you a very happy 
> `Eid. May Allah bless you, accept your prayers, your fasting, your 
> charity, and all your good deeds.
> Brothers and sisters:
> We are facing many challenges at this time. But with faith and trust 
> in Allah and with unity and solidarity among ourselves, we can 
> overcome all challenges and difficulties. We must not succumb to 
> despair, fear, or anxiety. We must continue working with sincerity, 
> honesty, and wisdom. We must work together. We must continue building 
> our institutions, our community centers, our educational programs, and 
> activities. We must continue and increase our involvement with others 
> on the interfaith and political level. We have to remove 
> misunderstandings about us and about our faith from the minds of 
> fellow Americans. We must continue building the bridges of 
> understanding with others to keep this society just and peaceful, 
> diverse and pluralistic. I remind you and myself to face the 
> challenges with courage, confidence, and wisdom.
> The Qur'an tells us that
> [Allah is with those who are patient and steadfast (as-sabirin).]
> (Al-Baqarah 2:153)
> [Allah is with those who are righteous (al-muttaqin)] (Al-Baqarah
> 2:194)
> [Allah is with those who do the acts of kindness (al-muhsinin)]
> (Al-`Ankabut 29:69)
> It is true that there is a lot of anti-Islamic propaganda today, but 
> we should be thankful to Allah that there are still a very large 
> number of people who have goodwill towards us and who want to know 
> more about our faith. Let us build on this trust. Let us use whatever 
> freedom we have and whatever opportunities we find to help others to 
> know us, to know about the universal values of Islam.
> We must pay special attention to the next generation of Muslims 
> growing up here. They need good upbringing and extensive Islamic 
> education. We must protect them from the wrong influences of drugs, 
> violence, immoral behavior, and the evils that are affecting youth and 
> eating them up. We must give them knowledge, give them hope, give them 
> love and care, and do our best to keep them on the path of Allah.
> Let me close this khutbah with a hadith of the Prophet (peace and 
> blessings be upon him). `Amr ibn Maymun Al-Awdi reported that the 
> Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Take 
> advantage of five things before five others: your youth before your 
> old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your 
> poverty, your leisure before your work, and your life before your 
> death" (At-Tirmidhi).
> ** Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi is the President of the Fiqh Council of 
> North America.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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