They are not the richest country. Just do a simple research. The government 
spends millions and even billions of dollars to make sure the hajjis are safe 
and have a safe hajj. They provide free medical services for all the poor 
hajjis, among other services. They are building train systems (to replace 
buses) to make it easier for hajjis. They are making a 3 story one way jamarat 
bridge to avoid any inuries that incur. Last year was the first time they did 
the one way only traffic and there were hardly any injuries. They transport and 
provide zamzam water at so many places for the hajjis, free of charge. They 
provide bus services for lost pilgrims to take them where they should be. Do 
some reseach before throwing blind accusations.

Anyone who wants to live in any country, they have to work. People seem to 
think because it's saudi, so they should live free without working. Look at 
your western countries like australia and UK, they have strick visa guidelines 
to let in only people who are highly qualified. The maids and laborers are 
doing the jobs they are capable of doing. There are about 1 million foreign 
workers in the kingdom and no they are not all maids and laborers. They range 
from top white collars positions to all the way down to maids and laborers. You 
only get the job you are qualified for, it's common sense.

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