Safar al-Hawali: What Our Sisters Can Do for Palestine

Q: The situation of our patient, struggling Palestinian sister under the 
tyranny of those known for treachery and deception - may Allah fight them - 
makes us truly sad. In fact, it is an extreme disaster for us, as their honor 
has been violated, their families have been destroyed, and their daughters 
tortured and exposed. Despite this, they continue to carry upon their shoulders 
the responsibility of standing on this frontline of the frontlines of Islam 
against the Zionist enemy. In fact, they also carry the responsibility of 
raising a generation - rather, generations - of sons and daughters to continue 
the struggle. So, what is our obligation towards these oppressed women? How can 
we stand by them on this front and assist them in various ways while 
simultaneously admitting to our major shortcomings in this? And Allah is the 
source of help...

A: The Muslim nation is one that is oppressed everywhere in the world, and the 
burden of this oppression that falls on its men falls even heavier on its 
women. In fact, the burden on women is generally greater, as she is prone to 
weakness by her nature from one direction, as well as from the pressures of 
family from another. So, she was not designed to withstand this subjugation, 
imprisonment, oppression, or long period of struggle as men are. Despite this, 
she is rewarded for her patience with Allah.

And our obligation is without a doubt great. Every man is obligated to realize 
that he has brothers there, and every woman is obligated to realize that she 
has sisters there. We must come to feel the reality of the brotherhood of faith 
and that we are like a single body, such that if one limb complains, the rest 
of the body rushes to heal it. So, the believers are brothers, as Allah 
mentioned, and our enemy is one. The one who ate the white bull today is the 
same one who will eat the red bull tomorrow, and the black one the day after. 
In fact, he might eat them all tomorrow.

So, it is not allowed for us to remain the way our enemies want us to be, and 
what they want is for every community to be busy only with its own problems and 
concerns, and to have every community busy with its desires or efforts to 
acquire more wealth. Our communities are of two types: one type that simply 
works to make more money, and another that is busy with its desires and wasting 
of time. Both are extremely dangerous, and distract us from paying attention to 
fulfilling our obligations towards our brotherhood of faith.

Our sisters are afflicted with things that make one's body shiver in the 
blessed, patient, struggling land of Palestine, as well as Iraq, Afghanistan, 
Kashmir, the Philippines, Eritrea, Somalia, Chechnya, Bosnia, and many other 
regions. In fact, this oppression even takes place in countries that claim to 
be free. So, in France - which some refer to as the place from which light 
emerges and shines over the rest of the world, and Paris is the Capitol of 
Light, etc. - its secularism, freedom, and human rights have become so 
constricted despite these empty slogans. They have become constricted around a 
piece of cloth with which the Muslim woman covers her hair, and this proves 
that this nation is truly being tested in order for Allah to purify its ranks 
and to elevate its status.

Therefore, we are facing a test in which we must have practical solutions, and 
it is not enough to simply cry and grieve and be sad and pained. For example, 
my sisters, I advise every sister who has a job - even if both spouses work, or 
they have a sufficient income or job, as the obligation would be greater in 
such a case - to support a single Palestinian family, and to then turn to the 
other countries to find out how we can provide them with relief efforts, and 
how we can fulfill our obligation of sending them beneficial books, tapes, and 
efforts, as well as the hijab. There are many girls in the nearby Arab 
countries who would wear the hijab if only they could afford it...

Every family in this country that Allah has blessed - and we praise Allah for 
these blessings - should take one family or child and support it. As I 
mentioned, my noble sister, our sisters over there have provided the greatest 
examples. There does not exist a mother in the world that possesses the 
characteristics of resistance, defiance, and patience as the Palestinian mother 
does, and the Iraqi mother is on the same road, thanks to Allah and His 
Guidance. They are demonstrating the most amazing defiance! This is a clear 
confirmation that the religion of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) is dominating 
and victorious, and that Allah has control over His affair except that most 
people do not realize this, and that the good end will be for this nation by 
Allah's leave, as well as the defiance of these sisters.

The sister who is forced to give birth on the side of the road, the sister who 
is killed, the sister who is sacrificed - despite this, they insist on 
continuing to raise male and female warriors, and to remain in their lands upon 
their religion and faith. These realities have become manifest, thanks to 
Allah. And the more we remain firm upon this faith, the more the enemy will 
weaken and be shaken, and this enemy, or the snake's head of this aggression, 
is manifested in this Zionist state. We ask Allah to destroy it and dismantle 
it, and to make us from those who assist in this by establishing a community of 
believers in this blessed land. As for those of them for whom Allah has written 
guidance by entering the justice of Islam or the Religion of Allah, we praise 
Allah that His Law and Justice encompasses them all..

I say that it is upon every one of is to exert our efforts in supporting at 
least one Muslim family or child, and as you know, a Muslim child can be 
supported with an amount of money that is not difficult for us to accumulate, 
thanks to Allah. It should only cost about $400 a year. I don't say that this 
fulfills our obligation. Rather, it increases a little from the sparse 
possessions they have. So, with this, we can provide them with a higher 
standard of living, as well as the ability to continue memorizing the Qur'an, 
as those who benefit first and foremost from this are the students who memorize 
the Qur'an. We ask Allah to benefit them all, as He is Able to do all things...

This is a reliable, safe, and internationally renowned relief organization 
through which we can implement Shaykh Safar's advice to bring relief to the 
Palestinians: Please reach into 
your wallet and give whatever you can, knowing full well that Allah will give 
you more than you can imagine for each penny that you give to your brothers and 

" Verily my happiness is my iman & Verily my iman is in my heart & Verily my 
heart doesn't belong to anyone but ALlah " Asma bint AbuBakr

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