Dar-us-Salam Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 
21:18:26 -0800
From: "Dar-us-Salam Publications" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sahih Muslim, Sunan Ibn Majah and Many Other New Books

Sahih Muslim, Sunan Ibn Majah and Many Other New Books                          
                                      Dar-us-Salam Publications
      Opening     the Frontiers of Knowledge
      www.dar-us-salam.com                         PO Box 79194
       Houston, TX 77279 
       Tel (713) 722-0419
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              Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah!
           We pray that you and your family receive this email in the best of 
health and Iman. 
    Alhamdulillah we have finally received the much awaited revised editions of 
Sahih Muslim and Sunan Ibn Majah. The rest of the books of     Sihah Sittah are 
currently under print and will be available before the end of the year, 
Insha-Allah. In addition to the Ahadith books, we have received many     
wonderful new biography, fiqh and dawah     books.If you have read any of our 
books or have any of our products, please write an honest review and receive a 
Surprise     Coupon     to use on your next purchase!     Just go to the 
product page and see the Rating & Review section. You need to login to your 
existing account or create a new account to     post a review.
                  January 2008 New Arrivals                                     
        Sahih Muslim (7 Vol. Set -         Arabic-English)                 
Sahih Muslim is the most authentic book of Hadith after Sahih Al-Bukhari and 
contains 7,563 Ahadith. The Muslim Scholars have         agreed that all of the 
Ahadith in Sahih Muslim are authentic. Thus, Darussalam realized the great 
benefit of publishing the full         version of Sahih Muslim in the English 
language in the best presentation. Much care has been taken in rendering these 
Ahadith into a         clear and simple style of modern English.
        Sunan Ibn Majah with Commentary         (5 Vol. Set - Arabic-English)   
      Sunan Ibn Majah is one of the six most authentic collections of the 
Ahadith and contains 4,341 total Ahadith. Like the other         translations 
of the six books of hadith, Dar-us-Salam, has taken great care in correct 
translation, simple and clear modern English         language, and high quality 
publishing.  All the Ahadith of this collection have been documented, 
referenced and traced by the         great research scholar, Hafiz Zubair 'Ali 
        Biography of Uthman Ibn Affan (R) -         Dhun-Noorayn         In 
this book, Dr. As-Sallabi presents the life of the Third Caliph of Islam, 
Uthman ibn Affan, and highlights his great         achievements, as well the 
issues and turmoil that he faced due to the hypocrisy movement that plagued the 
Muslim society. The study         of history is of great importance, especially 
for Muslims who have been denied access to their heritage in many ways due to 
the         upheavals that befell the Muslim world in recent decades and 
centuries, and due to tampering and insertions in their own books of         
        Biography of Zaid ibn Thaabit (R)                 This book is about 
the great companion of the Prophet, Zaid ibn Thabit (11BH-51H), may Allah be    
     pleased with him. He embraced Islam at the early age of 11 and learned the 
Quran and perfected its recitation and learned other         branches of 
knowledge. At a young age, the Prophet told him to learn writing and after 
doing so he became one of the scribes of the         Prophet, writing down the 
revelation for him. He also wrote the letters that the Prophet sent the kings 
of different areas around the         world. 
        Biography of Imam Ibn Maajah         Imam Ibn Majah (209H - 273H), 
lived during the Abbasid caliphate while scientific studies had begun         
taking hold in the Abbasid dynasty. During this time literary aspects greatly 
influenced writing and works about Islam, thus         protecting Islam from 
these things had become of foremost importance to Imam Ibn Maajah and other 
scholars of this time. Ibn Majah         also traveled extensively to verify 
the authenticity of the ahadith he was narrating.
        Biography of Imam At-Tirmidhi         Imam At-Tirmidhi (210H - 279H), 
was born during the caliphate of Abbasid khalifa Al-Ma'mmun         Abdullah 
ibn Harun Ar-Rashid, who started the fitna that Quran was a creation of Allah 
and not His speech. During his lifetime 9         Muslim Khalifas ruled with 
some being pious and noble while some committing evil and innovations. Imam 
At-Tirmadhi traveled a lot in         quest for seeking knowledge which gave 
him the expertise needed to become a Faqih and Muhadith of his time. 
        Biography of Imam Shawkani         Imam ash-Shawkani (1173H - 1250H), 
had a modest upbringing upon virtue, good, and righteousness. He         was 
continually well nurtured and treated. He memorized many books of present time 
at the very early age even before beginning his         serious studies. He 
learned the sciences of Hadith from al-Hafiz Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Amir and 
studied with many other teachers until         he covered all the sciences.
        Biography of Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani                This 
book represents a brief narration of the life of one of the foremost scholars 
of Islam during         the recent past. The book tells the tale of a Muslim 
child born towards the end of the Ottoman Empire in Eastern Europe. He was      
   destined to become an inspiration for the entire Ummah including the 
scholars and great leaders.  He had an excellent memory         which allowed 
him to memorize many ahadith of the Prophet and become a great Muhadith of our 
                Fiqh According to the Qur'an &         Sunnah (Vol. 1)         
This book illustrates the many facets of our daily life according the Quran and 
Sunnah. Every effort is made so everything in the         book is proven by the 
Quran and Sunnah. Volume 1 covers the following books of Fiqh: Purification, 
Prayer, Fasting and Zakah. More         volumes covering additional topics are 
expected in the future Insha Allah.
        A Mercy to the Universe                 Mercy is clemency and 
forbearance; mercy is the disposition to forgive or show compassion; mercy      
   means a favor or a blessing; mercy further denotes the qualities of 
kindness, sympathy, generosity, and beneficence. Suffice is to         say that 
all of these qualities were present in abundance in the character of the 
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
        Qur'an & Modern Science -         Compatible or Incompatible?         
Al-Qur'an, the main source of the Islamic faith, is a book believed by Muslims, 
to be of completely         Divine origin. Muslims also believe that it 
contains Divine guidance for all humankind. Since the message of the Qur'an is 
believed         to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. Does 
the Qur'an pass this test? In this booklet, I intend to give an         
objective analysis of the Muslim belief regarding the Divine origin of the 
Qur'an, in the light of established scientific         discoveries.
        Concept of God in Major         Religions         There has always been 
a question in the minds of people about the existence of God. All major 
religions have believed in one god         or another. Thus, believing in a 
supreme being that is omnipotent and omniscience is essential to the existence 
of mankind. This         full-colored book tackles the issue of existence of 
God from a different perspective including starting off with how different 
people         view God. It first categorizes the belief of the major religions 
into 5 types of religions. Then, it describes the concept of God for         
world's several major religions.
        Islam The Religion of Peace                 These days many books are 
being published about Islam, some in defense of it and many more in its         
offence. This book briefly but precisely points out how all the religions are 
the same and how they are different from each other.         The teachings in 
basic remain in the doctrines but in the name of liberalism, these are changed 
in practice. For example, sexual         relationships outside of marriage are 
forbidden in every religion, but what is happening everyone knows.
        Collection from         Riyad-us-Saliheen with Commentary         Imam 
Nawawi was a great scholar of Hadith and Fiqh of his time. He compiled 
Riyad-us-Saliheen which acclaimed an important         position in the Hadith 
Collections. Commentaries on the Ahadith were added by Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf 
of Pakistan.
        Keeping in view the problems of our times, we wished to print a concise 
volume of Riyad-us-Saliheen. For this volume, Sheikh         Safi-ur-Rahman 
Mubarakpuri has made the selection of Ahddith.
                      For more information about any book or product visit the 
website at         http://www.dar-us-salam.com or click on the product link 
           To protect your purchase, we now offer shipping insurance for 
domestic US and International packages. For more info      see       this page.
              Remember: Write a product review and receive a Surprise Coupon    
   to use on your next purchase!          
        Wassalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah  

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