America is blind to the complex interplay of tribal and religious
loyalties that determine events in Pakistan. It needs to wise up

o       Frankie Martin
o       Wednesday August 06 2008 20:30 BST

The recent New York Times article implicating elements of Pakistan's
intelligence service, the ISI, in the bombing of the Indian embassy
in Kabul, is a public airing of American policymakers' longstanding
differences with Pakistan.

The Americans have become frustrated with a perceived reluctance
among Pakistanis to attack militants in the country's volatile tribal
areas, as well as a failure to rein in the ISI, which is accused of
pursuing a foreign policy that is at odds with its own government.

This diplomatic bombshell – which has gone further than any such
assertion in the past – comes in the context of a deteriorating
security situation, not only in Pakistan's tribal areas but in cities
like Islamabad and districts like Swat. It has also coincided with an
increasingly bold Taliban insurgency against Nato forces in
Afghanistan, which has sparked talk of a new American troop "surge"
endorsed by both Barack Obama and John McCain.

But an increase in overwhelming force – which has already been tried
by Pakistani president, Pervez Musharraf multiple times to no avail –
is unlikely to work unless the US and its allies gain a better
understanding the tribal areas in which they are so intimately

Pakistan's tribal areas are populated mainly by Pashtuns, an ethnic
group that also extends into Afghanistan.
Constant warfare in recent years has led many Pashtuns to believe
they are fighting a tribal war to preserve their way of life. They
feel threatened by the Pakistani government and military, composed
mainly of urban ethnic Punjabis; the government in Afghanistan,
composed mainly of Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazaras; as well as by the US.
Although the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, is a Pashtun he is
perceived by many fellow tribesmen to have "sold out".

The larger war many Pashtun tribesmen are fighting to defend Islam
against the perceived attacks of the US, the west, Hindu-dominated
India, and the forces of globalisation, has its roots in this tribal
micro-conflict and the one cannot be seen in isolation from the
other. In this charged environment any apparent attack on Islam, be
it from US drones or Danish cartoons, adds fuel to the fire.

The ISI also counts many Pashtuns in its ranks – especially at its
lower levels – for whom this tribal identity takes centre stage. The
organisation has been structured since its founding in 1948 to fight
Pakistan's traditional arch-rival, India. Many ISI operatives would
sympathise with the Pashtun tribesmen who share their culture – which
include actively opposing India for its policy in Kashmir, for
example – regardless of the policies of their superiors in Islamabad.

The US has suffered as a result of a confusing labelling of the
enemy – the line between Pashtun tribesmen, Taliban, and al-Qaida
remains dangerously ill-defined.

To improve the situation, the US can take several immediate steps.
First, it should work with the Pakistani government to reinstate the
civil service in the tribal areas, which was removed by President
Musharraf. This created a power vacuum which was filled by firebrand
Taliban clerics.

The US should also support gestures of dialogue with the tribes made
by the new democratically-elected Pakistani civilian government
instead of actively opposing them.

This does not mean "appeasing" those that would attack America but
administering more effectively. By combining the threat of force with
efforts to gain the respect of the tribes by working within their
cultural and religious framework, the US can swing the pendulum away
from Taliban clerics who preach that Islam is under attack from the
west. It can also put more American aid into education and
development and away from unnecessary military expenditure which has
cost the US more than $10bn since 9/11.

This would also improve Pakistan's relationship with India by
allowing the Pakistani government to continue its policy of
engagement without the distraction of Pashtun tribesmen who wish to
continue their fight. The calmer the situation becomes in the tribal
areas, the calmer the situation will be in places that concern India,
like Kashmir, and the less likely it will be that Pashtun elements in
the ISI stir up trouble.

If the US does not change course quickly, it will continue the global
march toward disaster that has seen it get bogged down in other
Muslim tribal societies such as Iraq and Somalia. Instead of going
after only those in Pakistan's tribal areas who wished America harm,
it has taken on the fierce Pashtun tribes which have successfully
bled such empires as the British and Soviet. By implementing smart,
effective, culturally sensitive policies, the US can avoid a similar

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