Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!). 
(at-Takathur 102/8)
  Imam Baghawi (ra) in his tafsir narrated the following:
  1- From Ibn Mas’oud (ra), -reporting it as a statement of RasulAllah (saw) 
who said:
  “Security (peace) and health.” (Narrated by Abdullah ibn Imam Ahmad in 
‘zawaaid Az-zuhd’: pg. 157 & 390, and Aboo Nu’aym in ‘akhbaar Isbahaan’: 2/157, 
and in it is Muhammad ibn Sulayman who is truthful but makes mistakes in 
narrations, and Ibn Abi Layla; who is truthful but is weak in memorization. And 
it is also narrated by Hinaad in ‘zuhd’ as a statement of Ibn Mas’oud: 2/102, 
and at-Tabari: 30/285, and al-Bayhaqi in ‘Shu’b al-Eeman: 8/494.’)
  2- Qataada (ra) said:
  “Verily Allah will ask every person who had blessings; concerning what He 
blessed him with.”
  And it is also narrated from him that he said:
  “Security (peace) and health.” (al-Bayhaqi: ‘Shu’b al-Eeman’: 8/494)
  3- And from Aboo Hurayrah (ra), who said: RasulAllah (saw) said:
  “The first thing that the slave will be asked –in the Day of Judgement- from 
among the favours, it will be said to him: ‘Did we not give you a good and 
healthy body? And gave you to drink the refreshing cool water.?” (Narrated by 
at-Tirmidhi in the tafsir of suratul Takathur: 9/290; and he said: ‘this is a 
gharib hadith.’ And Ibn Hibbaan: no. 2585, and al-Hakim authenticated it: 
4/138, and ad-Dhahabi agreed with him in al-Shu’b: 8/489, and al-Albaani 
authenticated it in Silsilah Sahiha: no.539, 2/66-67)
  4- And it is narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (ra): who said:
  “The favours: health of the body, the hearing, and the sight. Allah will ask 
the slaves on what did they use them in? And indeed He is most Knowledgeable of 
that than them.
  And this (meaning) is the statement of Allah:
  “ Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you 
will be questioned (by Allah).” (al-Isra 17/36) (Narrated by at-Tabari: 30/289, 
and al-Bayhaqi in ‘Shu’b al-Eeman: 8/493.’ And its chain is Hasan, but there is 
a gap in the chain. And as-Suyuti increased in ‘ad-Durr: 8/612’ and 
strengthened it Ibn Abi Haatim and Ibn Mardawiyyah. see the notes on ‘Shu’b 
  5- Al-Ikrimah (ra) said:
  ‘(you will be questioned) Regarding health and time.’
  6- Sa'ed’ Ibn Jubayr (ra) said:
  ‘(You will be questioned) Regarding health and time and wealth.’
  7- Muhammad ibn K’ab (ra) said:
  ‘It means (you will be questioned) on the favours which your were blessed 
with through RasulAllah (saw).’
  8- Abu ‘Aaliyah (ra) said:
  ‘(You will be questioned) Regarding Islam and your life span.’
  9- Al-Hasan ibn Fadhl (ra) said:
  ‘(you will be questioned) on the easiness of the Shariah, and the easiness of 
The Qur’an.’ (meaning: did you take advantage and be thankful in worshipping 
  Ibn Jarir at-Tabari (ra) in his tafsir narrated the following:
  10- ‘Then Allah (awj) will ask you regarding the favours which you had in the 
  In What did you use them?
  And where did they take you?
  And with what did you earn by them?
  And what did you do with them?’
  11- From Abi ‘Aasim who said: Sufyan (at-Thawri) (ra) said:
  ‘It reached us that the meaning of His statement:
  “Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the favours.”
  It is: Security (peace) and health.”
  12- And from Isma’il ibn Iyaash, from Abdulaziz ibn Abdullaah, who said that 
he heard As-Sha’bi (ra) say:
  “The Favours that will be asked on - on the Day of Judgment- are: Security 
(peace) and health.”
  Shawkani in Fath ul qadir related the following:
  13- ‘It means (you will be questioned) on the favours of the world; which 
busied you from doing the righteous actions.’
  14- al-Bayhaqi narrates a narration from Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) who said:
  ‘The favours: it’s the well-being .’
  15- Ibn al-Mardawiyyah narrates from Abu Dardaa (ra) who said that RasulAllah 
(saw) said concerning this verse:
  “Eating of the bread made of wheat (The bread made of wheat was considered as 
a ‘luxury’ food!), and sleep in the nice shadows, and drinking of the nice 
sweet cool water.”
  Raising this as a statement of RasulAllah (saw) is not correct. So maybe it 
is from the statement of Abu Dardaa (ra).
  16- It is narrated by Ibn Humaid, and Ibn Mundhir, and Ibn Abi Haatim, Ibn 
Mardawiyyah; from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra), that he was asked the meaning of His 
  “Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the favours.”
  He (‘Ali) (ra) said:
  ‘Eating of the bread made of wheat, and drinking of the nice sweet cool 
water, and the house he used to live in; These are the favours that a person 
will be questioned on.’ (Suyuti: Durr Al-Manthur)
  17- And it is narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) who said RasulAllah (saw) said:
  “There are two blessings which many people do not make the most of and thus 
they lose out on them: good health and free time.” (Ibn Mubarak in Zuhd: pg.2, 
and Imam Bukhari: 11/229)
  18- And it is narrated from RasulAllah (saw) that he (saw) said:
  “On the day of Judgment: The two feet of the son of Adam will not move in 
front of His Lord; until he is asked about five things: His age; how did he 
live it, His youth how did he use it, and his wealth where did he get it, and 
where did he spend it on, and (he will be asked) how did he act upon what he 
learned.” (Silsilah as-Sahiha: 946)


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