From: "ViaMedia. MumbaiNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 21:47:11 +0530
Subject:  What kind of relations India has with Israel? By Hasan Kamal - 
Inquilab Urdu Daily, Mumbai


  Monday, December 17, 2007
  Inquilab Urdu daily, Mumbai
  Sunday December 09, 2007 
  What kind of relations India has with Israel?    
  By Hasan Kamal                                 
  Multiple bomb blasts in India, serial bomb blast in Mumbai local trains as 
well as in Samjhauta Express; all have been routinely branded by the 
authorities as terrorist activities. However, Urdu Media in India expressed its 
suspicion openly that Israel's Intelligence Agency, Mossad was responsible for 
those acts or was responsible for organizing these blasts. Urdu Media reasoned 
that the special style of bomb blasts was similar to the typical of Mossad 
covert activities; especially as in recent past Mossad was responsible for such 
destruction activities in many countries. It is therefore highly strange that 
neither any other language Media supported nor contradicted the suspicion of 
Urdu Media. All kept mum and feigning ignorance. ( Is this some conspiracy of 
silence? VM.MN)
  It is rather impossible that Non-Urdu Media did not get the news of our Urdu 
Media's suspicion as it was the subject of much discussion in many Urdu 
Newspapers. Now, it seems that the suspicion of Urdu Media is not based merely 
on speculation and nor it is directly related to the fact that Urdu Media will 
always side with Palestine in any conflict situation between Palestine and 
Israel. Or that Urdu Media is overall always against the existence of Israel. 
The new sensational revelations show that this accusation carries clear that 
Indian government sought Israel's help earlier in some matters and this is an 
open secret that help for any destructive activity comes through Mossad. 
  in the same manner as American government gets help for such destructive 
activities through CIA a news in December 05, 2007 in "Times Of India" is the 
basis of involvement of Mossad in India with frightening details. According to 
this news two American journalists book reveals a sensational item. 
  Edrin Levy and Catherine Scot Clark's book "Deception" talks about different 
American government's connivance about Pakistan's Atomic programme but the 
writers have researched that India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was in favour 
of destroying Pakistan's Atomic Plant at Kahota in 1983 since it had been 
established that this Plant was speedily manufacturing Atomic Bomb. 
  According to the book, Indira Gandhi instructed Air Chief Marsha Dilbag Singh 
to handle this matter personally. This operation was named "Operation Strike" 
just like Israel's operation against Iraqi Atomic Plants. Air Marshal Dilbag 
Singh ordered Jaguar Squadron to start practicing air strikes at low levels 
with 2000 pound bombs. In 1983 when preparations for attack were in an advanced 
stage, Indian officers made a secret tour of Israel for getting some armaments 
from Israel to destroy Kahota Plant. 
  On February 25 1983 Indira Gandhi accused Pakistan for secretly manufacturing 
Atomic Bomb and just after three days Chief of Indian Nuclear Programme Raja 
Ramanna declared that India was also trying to seek facility for proliferation 
of Uranium. Pakistan's Intelligence Agency ISI doubting Indian activity sent a 
warning to Indian RAW and Raja Ramanna met his counterpart Pakistani Chief 
Munir Khan at Imperial Hotel where he warned that in case of attack at Kahota 
it will be retaliated with an attack on Indian Atomic Plant of Trombay which 
will render a large number of people in Mumbai to suffer from Atomic radiation. 
India cancelled this operation after this meeting but Israel intervened by 
claiming that it will complete this operation on its own, if permitted to use 
Jamnagar air force Base. Indira Gandhi feared that involvement of Israel will 
bring in total Atomic war between India, Pakistan and Israel. Therefore, she 
totally abandoned her attack plans. 
  This book further claims that American CIA secretly informed General 
Ziaul-Haque about it; so that sequence of reaction should change the situation. 
In Pakistani Media the creator of Pakistani Atom Bomb Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan put 
forward tall claims about Pakistan's capacity. Consequent to this, India and 
Israel retreated from the scene. Without accepting the truth of these 
revelations we can ask that if Israel's help could be sought in the past for 
such programmes, has this action been terminated or India's certain vested 
elements and certain agencies are still seeking cooperation of Israel. This 
doubt has been raised many times that India's relations with Israel are not 
limited to ambassadorial levels. 
  During NDA government, LK Advani not only praised Israel but he has even 
advised many times that Mossad's help should be taken to overcome terrorism in 
Kashmir; since Mossad was successful to defeat "Palestinian terrorists". But 
Advani's inauspicious idea was severely opposed by many Indian political 
circles and he could not activate his idea. But was it not possible for Advani 
being the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister to take Israel's help through 
Mossad stealthily? There is one still more important question is the presence 
of sympathizers of America and Israel at high levels of administration. Is the 
secret system (of active collaboration with Israel) is still in continuation? 
  We are sure that the suave and 'peace-loving' Manmohan Singh is fully in the 
know of this unholy alliance and its dangerous consequences. Especially now 
that America and Israel are fast losing their influence and authority, even 
though that they are still regarded as superpowers. Both are being corroded 
from inside by their negative and adversarial policies. Any alliance with these 
powers will be a losing proposition. Still we are fully convinced that the 
so-called revelations of the journalists are based on true facts. 
  (Translated by Syed Anisuddin assisted by Sadre Shaikh Qasmi) 
  Inquilab Urdu daily, Mumbai
  Monday, December 17, 2007
  Front Page News
  BJP sowed the seeds of terrorism   
  New Delhi, December 16: Accusing BJP who is well known for targeting a 
particular community over the pretext of terrorism, the Congress said that it 
was Saffron Party who sowed the seeds of terrorism in the country by 
demolishing the historical mosque of Babri. 
  Talking to a news agency ANI, a senior congress leader M. Veerappa Moily 
targeted BJP and said that seed of terrorism was sowed by the BJP under Advani 
by the demolition of religious place like the Babri Masjid. Accusing Modi for 
the post terror events, he added that "That is how India became vulnerable to 
international terrorism." 
  Moily, who is also the chairman of the Administrative Reforms Commission, 
said that most of the terror related incidents like the attacks on the Akshar 
Dham Temple, Raghunath Temple, Parliament and the hijacking of the Indian 
Airlines plane took place during the NDA regime led by the BJP. 
  Commenting on the remarks made by L K Advani that Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan 
Singh is a political novice who has no understanding of politics, Moily said 
that Dr. Singh is a 'statesman' and thus does not understand Advani's 'narrow 
and divisive politics'. Defending Manmohan Sing Moily said that "Dr. Singh will 
not downgrade himself to Advani's level" he also adding that the BJP's Prime 
Ministerial candidate only dreams and always thinks of becoming the Prime 
Minister of the country. 
  "Dr. Singh is a great economist of the world and thinks for the development 
of the country" Moily added. Flaying the BJP for comparing Advani with India's 
first Union Home Minister, Sardar Patel, Moily said that Advani was disastrous 
as the Home Minister of the country and added that the party has played a 'big 
joke' by declaring Advani as the next Prime Minister. 
  (Translated from Urdu by Md. Anwarul Haque)
  Rastriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 
  Saturday December 15, 2007
  Front Page News
  Maharashtra government bends over Khwaja Yunus case    
  Mumbai December 14: (Ansari Ejaz Ahmad / SNB).The Home department of the 
state government presented the list of alleged murderers of Ghatkopar Bomb 
Blast accused Syed Khwaja Yunus to the Bombay High Court and informed the court 
that the Maharashtra government had granted sanction to prosecute PSI Sachin 
Vaze and three other constables. 
  The court was also informed that the state government was ready to pay 
compensation to mother of the murdered victim who filed an affidavit to the 
court to seek compensation and the quantum of compensation would be decided 
within two weeks. According to the state government the investigation was 
incomplete till today but since it has been completed now therefore 
compensation was granted. Counsel for the petitioner Mihir Desai, after going 
through the list of personnel in sanction order, alleged that the state had 
purposely omitted names of police officers indicted by State CID, adding that 
in an affidavit the investigation agency had clearly divulged involvement of 
ACP Ambadas Pote, PI Arun Borude and PI Rajendra Joshi and their names were now 
missing from the order of sanction. 
  According to advocate Mihir Desai, the state government only made sacrificial 
goat of some police officers while main culprits are still free. 
  Today, before a division bench comprising Justice R M S Khandeparkar and 
Justice Amjad Sayed, Public Prosecutor Satish Borulkar informed the court that 
the sanction to prosecute PSI Sachin Waze and three constables, Rajendra 
Tiwari, Rajendra Nikam and Sunil Desai, under whose custody the accused was 
murdered and these people can give clue about Khwaja Yunus as to whether he has 
been murdered or he is still alive. Satish Borulkar also informed that the 
state CID has completed their investigation therefore the state government 
agreed to take further action along with compensation. Objecting on the 
statement of the public prosecutor, Mihir Desai, the lawyer of Asiya Begum told 
that the state CID is not taking any action against listed names in their 
report; nor they mentioned anything about them therefore the process is still 
  After hearing both parties, the court postponed the case till 16th January 
and ordered- if the petitioner is unsatisfied with the action of state 
government then she should file her objection again in the court. 
  It should be noted that Khwaja Yunus was allegedly tortured in police custody 
which resulted in his death, later on police concocted a story that he ran 
away. After the incident mother of Khwaja Yunus filed an affidavit to the 
Bombay high court and demanded for CBI probe. Bombay high court handed over the 
case to the state CID and consequently came to know that Khwaja Yunus was 
  (Translated from Urdu by Sadre Shaikh Qasmi)
  Urdu Times, Urdu daily, Mumbai
  Thursday, December 13 2007
  Racialism and prejudice   
  There seems to be an epidemic to accuse the Third World particularly Muslims 
and Muslim countries for every crime in the book. The Third World and Muslims 
are being accused for climate change, global warming, corruption, terrorism and 
for every terrible situation of the world. Lately Tarun Vijay, editor of RSS 
mouthpiece, " Panchjanya" and Eyan Harsi Ali's articles published in various 
national dailies are a resounding example of such evil minds. I do not want 
here to counter their non-sensical ideas but I want my readers to acquaint 
themselves with my objection against such perverse mindset that was similarly 
reprinted in "The Guardian", London by Grey Young and in "Jasarat", Karachi by 
Shahnawaz Farooqi. 
  Recently Ashkan Dejagah an Iranian-born German football player has refused to 
play in Israel because if he played there; he may be stripped of his right to 
go back to his country. Now some German senior officers are trying to withdraw 
him from national team. Grey Young wrote that historically Iranians are not as 
much opponents of Israel as Germans are. The country who establishes its 
foundation on decayed culture and civilization, it may face the same 
consequences as German faces today. It is Germany where mass genocide of Jews 
took place but still Jews are here in large numbers. Therefore it would be 
non-sensical for German leaders to throw stones on others sitting in their 
glass houses. 
  There is not only Germany but all European countries have same attitude full 
of prejudice and arrogance towards other immigrants in general and Muslims in 
particular. They mark them as idiots and uncultured and exhort them to follow 
Western culture as a must. 
  Grey Young also wrote that Muslims' piety does not please Western countries. 
Hence their foremost attempt is to take off this piety, teach them sexuality 
and immorality. Remove their hatred against Jews and assure them by promising 
an imaginary paradise of the West. Due to propaganda, Western Countries have 
earned privileged position; therefore innocent people consider these countries 
an earthly heaven. 
  France is not different form it; wherein violence and demoralization has 
appeared due to financial crises. But French officials blame foreigners for 
this situation as well as they think Muslims are trying to corrupt French 
culture and its civilization. According to Grey Young, today France has lost 
its cultural values and their arrogant attitude and racial bigotry has 
compelled them to import every thing including films and fast-food from 
America. If Imam of a mosque dislikes women who are semi-naked in front of the 
mosque, it is termed as racialism but on the other hand if a surgeon refuses to 
admit Muslim women who observe Hijab, it is not called so. Law should be 
equally abided by every one. Corruption and violence always come as a result of 
injustice and double standard in the society. 
  Grey Young also wrote that today it is a fashion to identify Muslim as a 
fundamentalist but what American actions could be termed which are similar to 
fundamentalism? The West desires Muslim to be secular but they do not grant due 
freedom to Muslims in their own countries. 
  As far as the matter of corruption is concerned, of course Third World 
countries with India and Pakistan are listed as most corrupted. But who is 
responsible for this? 
  In this perspective Shahnawaz Farooqi asked two questions:
  Firstly; yes, corruption is an endemic cancer in our countries and we need 
not set up any "Transparency International" like organization to monitor it; 
but I want to ask that those who are spotting corruption in our judicial 
system, police force and parliamentary system, why do they not declare that 
they themselves had played a key role in this corruption. Why rulers of Third 
World countries are amassing public money and keeping accounts in Europe and 
America?   Why they are not worried about it? 
  Secondly; I advocate that corruption can be monitored on international level 
but why did they not constitute regulations that could stop smuggling of black 
money to Western countries. The Western countries should see the beam in their 
eyes; not the straw in the eyes of others. 
  In the end, Mr. Grey Young suggested that peace and harmony could not be 
maintained unless racialism and prejudice ends. 
  (Translated from Urdu by Md. Anwarul Haque)
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