As Salaamu Alaikum (Peace Be with You),

The blessed month of Ramadan (month of Fasting) has started.  This is the best time to take reward by prayers and helping others

Food prices are soaring and poverty is rising worldwide.  Millions of people are hungry and are unable to feed their children even one square meal in a day.  Hidaya Foundation (, under its One Million Meals Project, distributes dry ration to most deserving populations worldwide.  It costs only 50 cents to feed one meal to a person.  That's $50 for 100 meals or $500 for 1,000 meals. 
You can donate your Zakat (Alms) or Sadaqah (Charity) online towards One Million Meals Project by visiting the following link:

Zakat is obligatory for every Muslim who does have Nisab (Zakat-able wealth).  Prophet (pbuh) has said that if Muslims pay their Zakat, then nobody will be poor and he (pbuh) also said Charity does not decrease wealth.  To know more about Zakat, who should pay, on what kind of wealth it should be paid, or how to calculate Zakat, please visit  You can also contact us and we will be glad to mail you a brief guide about Zakat.  Should you need help in understanding how to calculate Zakat, kindly write or call us.  We will be glad to walk you through step by step.
To donate online via electronic check or credit card for Zakat, please visit:

For those who are elderly or not in good health and are not able to fast during Ramadan, the instruction in Al-Qur'an is to feed a hungry person for each fast that is missed.  This is called Fidya.  Fidya for each missed day of fasting is $3.50 according to Hanafi school of thought or $7.00 according to other major schools of thought.
To donate online via electronic check or credit card for Fidya, please visit:

You can mail checks payable to "Hidaya Foundation" at: Hidaya Foundation, P.O. Box 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056


Waseem Baloch
Toll free: (866) 244-3292

Hidaya Foundation is a US based non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, with Tax ID # 77-0502583.  Its mission is to implement educational,
health care and social welfare projects in economically depressed areas of the world.

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