*A letter written on 5 November by Saddam Hussein has been released by the
former Iraqi leader's lawyers. Here are some key excerpts.*

In the past, I was, as you all know, in the battlefield of jihad and

God, exalted by He, wished that I face the same again in the same manner and
the same spirit in which we were before the revolution but with a problem
that is greater and harsher.

Oh beloved, this harsh situation, which we and our great Iraq are facing, is
a new lesson and a new trial for the people by which to be judged, each
depending on their intention, so that it becomes an identifier before God
and the people in the present and after our current situation becomes a
glorious history.

It is, above all, the foundation upon which the success of the future phases
of history can be built.

In this situation and in no other, the veritable are the honest and faithful
and the opposing are the false.

When the insignificant people use the power given to them by the foreigners
to oppress their own people, they are but worthless and lowly. In our
country only good must result from what we are experiencing.

To the great nation, to the people of our country, and humanity: Many of you
have known the writer of this letter to be faithful, honest, caring for
others, wise, of sound judgement, just, decisive, careful with the wealth of
the people and the state... and that his heart is big enough to embrace all
without discrimination.

His heart aches for the poor and he does not rest until he helps in
improving their condition and attends to their needs.

His heart contains all his people and his nation, and he craves to be honest
and faithful without differentiating between his people except on the basis
of their efforts, efficiency, and patriotism.


Here I am speaking today in your name and for your eyes and the eyes of our
nation and the eyes of the just, the people of the truth, wherever their
banner is hoisted.

You have known your brother and leader very well and he never bowed to the
despots and, in accordance with the wishes of those who loved him, remained
a sword and a banner.

This is how you want your brother, son or leader to be... and those who will
lead you (in the future) should have the same qualifications.

Here, I offer my soul to God as a sacrifice, and if He wants, He will send
it to heaven with the martyrs, or, He will postpone that... so let us be
patient and depend on Him against the unjust nations.

In spite of all the difficulties and the storms which we and Iraq had to
face, before and after the revolution, God the Almighty did not want death
for Saddam Hussein.

But if He wants it this time, it (Saddam's life) is His creation. He created
it and He protected it until now.

Thus, by its martyrdom, He will be bringing glory to a faithful soul, for
there were souls that were younger than Saddam Hussein that had departed and
had taken this path before him. If He wants it martyred, we thank Him and
offer Him gratitude, before and after.

*'The enemies'*

The enemies of your country, the invaders and the Persians, found that your
unity stands as a barrier between them and your enslavement.

They planted and grounded their hateful old and new wedge between you.

The strangers who are carrying the Iraqi citizenship, whose hearts are empty
or filled with the hatred that was planted in them by Iran, responded to it,
but how wrong they were to think that they could divide the noble among our
people, weaken your determination, and fill the hearts of the sons of the
nation with hatred against each other, instead of against their true enemies
that will lead them in one direction to fight under the banner of God is
great: The great flag of the people and the nation.

Remember that God has enabled you to become an example of love, forgiveness
and brotherly co-existence...

I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave a space for a person
to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking and keeps
away one from balanced thinking and making the right choice ...

I also call on you not to hate the peoples of the other countries that
attacked us and differentiate between the decision-makers and peoples...


Anyone who repents - whether in Iraq or abroad - you must forgive him...

You should know that among the aggressors, there are people who support your
struggle against the invaders, and some of them volunteered for the legal
defence of prisoners, including Saddam Hussein...

Some of these people wept profusely when they said goodbye to me...

Dear faithful people, I say goodbye to you, but I will be with the merciful
God who helps those who take refuge in him and who will never disappoint any
faithful, honest believer... God is Great... God is great... Long live our
nation... Long live our great struggling people...

Long live Iraq, long live Iraq... Long live Palestine... Long live jihad and
the mujahideen.

Saddam Hussein

President and Commander in Chief of the Iraqi Mujahid Armed Forces

*[Additional note:]*

I have written this letter because the lawyers told me that the so-called
criminal court - established and named by the invaders - will allow the
so-called defendants the chance for a last word.

But that court and its chief judge did not give us the chance to say a word,
and issued its verdict without explanation and read out the sentence -
dictated by the invaders - without presenting the evidence.

I wanted the people to know this.

'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali
*** (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).''

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