CSIS on alert over Lebanon: report



MONTREAL -- Canada's spy agency feared that last summer's conflict
between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon might lead to violence in
Canada, Sun Media has learned.

Much of that concern centred on Montreal where the Shiite movement
counts numerous partisans, according to documents acquired through
Access to Information.

"Threat assessment" reports produced by the Canadian Security and
Intelligence Service (CSIS) last summer note such concerns on a
near-daily basis.

One report - drafted on July 17, 2006, and titled Escalation of the
Israeli-Arabic conflict - states that the "explosive nature" of the
conflict could incite the members of the two camps to clash "in Canada."

A CSIS agent notes that a Montreal Jewish school had already been burned
in 2004 "in reprisals for the murder of the leader of Hamas, Sheikh
Ahmed Yassin."

Two years previous, then-Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had
been forced to cancel a speech at Montreal's Concordia University
because of a "violent revolt" on the campus.

The July 17 report was filed the day after eight members of a Montreal
family - including four children - were killed when Israeli forces
bombarded their house in Lebanon.

CSIS concerns grew at the beginning of August after Hezbollah leader
Hassan Nasrallah promised "surprises" for Israel.

The hypothesis of a terrorist attack against "Western targets" in
Lebanon is also studied in a highly censored document where the authors
recall that Canada registered Hezbollah on its list of terrorist groups
in 2002.

Several other reports also hint at Hezbollah activity in Canada.

Although the movement - supported by Iran and Syria - is banned in
Canada, the report states that Hezbollah partisans here would continue
to collect money "through legitimate sources or by means of financial
frauds, traffic counterfeit identity cards, contraband cigarettes, etc."
Montreal Muslim News Network - http://www.montrealmuslimnews.net

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