Walaikum Salam,

Dear Ebrahim!

Have you any proof that Khulafa-e-Rashideen (Hazrat Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman &
Ali R.A.) ever celebrated birthdays / death anniversaries of Hazrat Mohammad
(SAW). Where will you place these four (and many more) great companions of
our Holy Prophet (SAW) on your scale of LOVE?

Can you please give me reference from Quran, Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim
regarding "Wasila of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) or any waliullah (after their

Have you ever practically observed what people do on their visit to shrines
of Auliyaullah?? I myself have seen people bowing in front of graves,
performing almost all the postures of Salat. If you still say, its not
"shirk", thenI am sorry to say, "Please, try to learn more about Islam
before making any sort of comment".



Salamun Alaikum

Celebrating the birthdays or death anniversaries, etc. are the ways of
manifestation of love and affection for your dear ones.

When we Muslim celebrate the birthday of our holy Prophet hazrat Muhammad
Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his immaculate
progeny), what do we do?

Do we dance, play music, consume alcohol, have sex parties, etc.?
Nauzubillah, far from all these.

All we do is, thank Allah for giving us the most noble of all the prophets,
making us from his ummah, discuss his contributions/sacrifices for the
religion of Allah. We discuss about his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and their
contributions for Islam.

Can anyone prove to us that it still all wrong in doing all these things and

on what grounds?

The truth of the matter is, that there are sworn enemies of Islam who under
the guise of Islam, are hell-bent to destroy anything and everything that
reminds us of the holy Prophet and his holy progeny. They have destroyed our

heritage one by one. They want to divert our minds and hearts even from
their remembrance in the name of bid'at.

Are these people who pretend to be the custodians of haramain fit to be
called Muslims? They are the people who destroyed the holy places and built
toilets in its place. What respect and love do they have for the loved ones
of Allah? They have no concept of "shairillah".

I wonder if ever a time will come for the Muslims to wake up from deep
slumber and think for themselves from what sort of idiots are they seeking
their guidance and where are they led to?

They are confusing the naive and ignorant Muslims by brainwashing them and
telling them that paying respect to the graves of awliyallah is equivalent
to worshipping their graves. Sekking the wasila of the holy people in your
duas is shirk.

Little do the Muslims know that these very people who issue the fatawas
regarding shirk and bid'ats, they themselves do not know the difference
between thses things. If anything, they themselves need to learn the
elementaries of Islam.

May Allah (s.w.t.) grant us knowledge, wisdom, understanding and tawfiq to
understand the true Islam as preached by the holy Prophet and his immaculate

progeny (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all). Ameen.


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