Ardeshir wrote,
I am not sure that Communism has ANYTHING to do with Judaism. What's the connection, if any - a connection which can be supported by DOCUMENTATION?

Nashid, the above doesn't prove ANYTHING! Where is the DOCUMENTATION?

(By which I mean, quotes from Judaism's SCRIPTURES and quotes from Communism's DEFINITIVE LITERATURE, in which a connection is clearly spelled out?)

These statements coming from anyone else would be taken in stride by me and warrant just a little education. But coming from Ardeshir it was a major SHOCK! Ardeshir passes himself off as an expert critic of Judaism and swamps forums with tons of emails about Judaism and its evil to the world. He even attended university in Israel especially at a time when the Jews there were very open about their Marxist/communist connections. What is even more shocking is that I have debated Jews numerous times for several years on many forums regarding communism being a product of Talmudic Judaism. I have heard all the arguments and to my surprise Ardeshir, the most notorious critic of Judaism on the Internet, uses the EXACT same arguments as the Jews do. Could they both be reading from the same script?

I thought that the connection of Jews to Talmudic Judaism, Marxism and the Bolshevik Revolution was course 101 for anyone in the know. But Ardeshir shocked me and believe me I was taken back by it. Actually Marxism, Nazism and Zionism are three children from the same womb. As Israel Shahak so astutely pointed out, the tactics of the Nazi Israelis against the Palestinians are not by accident. They are deliberate, springing from the same womb that birthed Nazism with their big mama being Talmudic Judaism.

Although I sent Ardeshir links and statements from leading Jewish Rabbis and scholars admitting that Marxism is Talmudic Judaism, he never responded to any of them insisting on DOCUMENTATION. I guess those Jewish Rabbis and scholars were whistling Dixie and not as smart as Ardeshir to only accept it if it is documented in the Talmud and Marx’s writings that Talmudic Judaism gave birth to Marxism. He expect those documents to be open and up front as world Jewry has been with exposing that 90% of them are Khazars, the hateful anti-human teachings in the Talmud, the Holocaust is a hoax and other Jewish secrets that they have carefully kept from the masses. The truth is there is plenty of documentation from authentic Jewish sources showing communism/Marxism to be a product of Judaism and tying the Bolshevik revolution to Jews.

One of the biggest advocates of Marxism is Talmudic Judaism and a staunch supporter of communism was Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. If Ardeshir knows who he is maybe he was betting on your ignorance so that you would not know his importance when I had initially mentioned him. Rabbi Wise boasted that the Russian Revolution was the "crowning feat of the sons and daughters of Zion" (New YorkTimes, 3/24/17), and who, when asked to define communism, said: "Some call it communism; I call it Judaism."  (The American Bulletin, May 15, 1935).

Well who the heck is Rabbi Stephen Wise and why the heck should we care what he says about Judaism and Communism? Well we should care as much as we care about the Pope or the Grand Mufti making statements about Christianity and Islam. Here is a short bio on Rabbi Wise:
• He was the founder and head of the Jewish Institute of Religion in New York which trained Rabbis.

• Rabbi Stephen S. Wise was founder and head of the American Jewish Congress and head of the World Jewish Congress. He was the most prominent leader of American Jewry in his time.

• His Jewish Institute of Religion merged with Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati and produced the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud known as the Rodkinson translation.

• It was Simon Wiesenthal and Rabbi Stephen Wise who created the human soap stories about Jews in Germany.

• He was a close fiend of Woodrow Wilson and it was to him that Wilson wrote the letter for Jews of U.S. acceptance of the Balfour Declaration.

• He was also a close friend of Roosevelt and was very instrumental in influencing Roosevelt in getting the US into WW2.

There is much more about Rabbi Wise that I will share later, but he was a major, major leader of world Jewry who I am sure knows a lot more about Talmudic Judaism than Ardeshir. What did he know that Ardeshir don’t know that made him state publicly that communism is Talmudic Judaism? I am sure he had much more documentation and was not looking for a silly statement in the Talmud or Marx’s writings to say that Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of Marxism. After all his school trained Rabbis and produced the first English translation of the Talmud. He knew the essence of what the Talmud and Marxism taught -- just like anyone can look at the properties of the mineral halite and knows it is salt without something in salt or halite telling us in some silly way that they are the same.

I have debated this with Jews numerous times about Communism being a product of Talmudic Judaism. I don’t have the time right now due to my activities with other things to launch a full debate with Ardeshir on this. Instead I will post a debate I had with a Jew named Cardinalfedra on the Islamophobic hate site This was a major debate and we had an audience of more than 4,200 readers. Cardinalfedra, who in the debate I address as Cardinalfooldra, is a Jew and Professor of history at one of the major colleges in the U.S. He makes much more of an argument than Ardeshir and I will post both my and his statements regarding this in 2 posts. I don’t want each post to be too long for anyone to read but if you want to read the whole debate you can go to the following link:

The debate that took place in January, 2005 and I used the name Bernard in the debate. I will post the first part of the debate in my next post followed by the last part of the debate showing where Cardinalfedra could not respond to me.

If Ardeshir still insist on his position after reading all the information that I will share, then he needs to take it up with the Rabbis, Jewish scholars, Jewish organizations, Jewish publications, Journalists, religious and world leaders who also know the same truth about Marxism being a product of Talmudic Judaism. I am only the messenger conveying their words. He should go to the Rabbis and say “you are wrong Rabbi Wise, Harry Waton and the rest of you who has made a living of studying Talmudic Judaism. I Ardeshir knows better than you. You dummies are accepting something for which there is no DOCUMENTATION! After one day Nashid did not produce it, so it does not exist.”

But I guess nothing will serve as evidence for Ardeshir until someone or somewhere it is expressed that halite and salt are the same. One who knows the properties of both just won't do. It may look like salt, taste like salt and have all the properties of salt but in Ardeshir's world it is not salt until the salt tells you it is.

I sincerely hope that Ardeshir will share this post and the other two posts with his audience that I can't reach. I also hope that he would read thoroughly the whole debate with the other two posts before he responds.

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Nashid __._,_.___

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]



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