Assalamu aleikum.

Dajjal's gloves are off (if they were ever on). From his "Prairie
Chapel" ranch at Crawford, Texas, dajjal Bush is nakedly popularizing
and attempting to convey legitimacy to a hate term targeting Islam:

As the old saying goes, "When you start throwing dirt, you can be sure
you're losing ground."

Please note that 1 article excerpt and 1 article follow:

*Remarks by President Bush and Secretary of State Rice in Press
Availability (excerpt)
*Christian Right and "Islamo-Facism"



Remarks by President Bush and Secretary of State Rice in Press
White House Press Office
Prairie Chapel Ranch
Crawford, Texas
Monday August 7, 2006

. . .

THE PRESIDENT: Well, the people who should get really frustrated are
the Israelis and the Lebanese. They ought to be the ones who are
frustrated, because 1559 clearly laid a way forward for there to be a
strong democracy in Lebanon, which will more likely yield the peace.
And there is a level of frustration around the world with
organizations that will take innocent life to achieve political
objectives. And our job is to remind people that this isn't a moment,
this is a movement, and that we must deal with this movement. We must
deal with this movement with strong security measures, we must bring
justice to those who would attack us, and at the same time, defeat
their ideology by the spread of liberty.

And it takes a lot of work. This is the beginning of a long struggle
against an ideology that is real and profound. It's Islamo-fascism. It
comes in different forms. They share the same tactics, which is to
destroy people and things in order to create chaos in the hopes that
their vision of the world become predominant in the Middle East.



Christian Right and "Islamo-Facism"
by Dan Jennejohn, CNI Intern
August 9, 2006

"Islamo-fascism," a term that Americans heard George Bush use at an
August 7 press conference, is the new term being thrown around among
factions of the Christian right, from which he no doubt picked it up.
It was much in use last month when the new lobby group, Christians
United for Israel (CUFI), held their first "Washington-Israel Summit"
at a Washington D.C. hotel. Amidst plenty of the celebratory song and
dance usually associated with evangelical meetings and a three-course
meal was served to over 2,000 attendees, a series of prominent
religious and political speakers got up to promise unquestioning
support for the state of Israel.

Although CUFI is a religious organization founded by minister John
Hagee of Texas, it was a political speaker, Senator Rick Santorum,
whose comments seemed to have a profound impact on the nights events.
Santorum was the first to use the term "Islamic-fascists" during the
presentation. According to Santorum the constant use of "The War on
Terror" rhetoric is erroneous because it is akin to "declaring war on
a tactic." Santorum went on to say that "The War on Terror" rhetoric
was the product of a disinformation campaign and exclaimed that
"terror is not the enemy; the enemy are Islamic fascists."

The term "Islamic fascists" appeared to have mass appeal and was used
regularly by the rest of the speakers throughout the evening. Before
Santorum's speech the Ambassador of Israel to the United States,
Daniel Ayalon, using the same rhetoric, saying, "Radical Islam is on
the march."

Santorum felt it incumbent upon himself to explain to the audience
exactly what they were up against in their support of Israel. He said,
"They [the American public] don't understand the enemy because we
don't explain it to them." According to Santorum, "Islamic fascism is
a mosaic. But the biggest piece of the mosaic, the one that reaches
out and touches all the others, is Iran."

The vilification of Iran was the major thrust of the summit and the
speakers pulled no punches. On Iran Santorum said, "This is the enemy
we face. This is the enemy attacking us." While Ayalon echoed his
prime minister's declaration that "Iran must be stopped," Santorum
took the matter even further and severely criticized efforts to
negotiate a solution with Iran. "While we negotiate with Iran, they
fund Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel. While we negotiate, they
continue in their pursuit of nuclear weapons technology." Of course,
Santorum used this opportunity to encourage support for his bill that
calls for increased sanctions against Iran. The bill was defeated last

There was more than a fair amount of saber rattling at the CUFI
summit. Again, Santorum stood out among the speakers on this point
when he admonished the U.S. to "…go at the heart of the problem-Iran."
The CUFI speakers made it well known at the summit that they want to
see less diplomacy and more action.

Also on display was outspoken and undying support for Israel. The
speakers depicted Israel as a victim in the current crisis taking
place in the Palestinian Territories and Southern Lebanon. Gary Bauer
mentioned the sadness of seeing Israelis who are so used to terrorist
bombings that they seem virtually unaffected by their occurrence.
Neither he nor any of the other speakers referenced the daily deaths
occurring in Gaza and the West Bank. CUFI founder and National
Chairman John Hagee demanded that the U.S. let Israel defend itself,
declaring that if rockets were falling on United States territory,
Congress would be voting to go to war.

Whether or not CUFI's Washington D.C. summit is a success for the
organization remains to be seen. It is CUFI's intention to bring their
interpretation of the Bible and their mandate to support Israel at all
costs to the Hill in a massive lobbying effort. CUFI's followers know
their message well and, if they are anything like they were during the
last evening of their summit, they possess tremendous enthusiasm for
their cause. However, it may take more than enthusiasm to convince the
nation's policymakers that adopting CUFI's mission as their own would
be in the nation's or the world's best interest.

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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