As Salaamu Alaikum,
Glen Beck host of the Glen Beck show (look at your local  TV-Talk Show 
schedule) is being considered to be put on Good Morning America as  a 
If you have not viewed his show go to it and just  watch for about 10 minutes. 
 If anything comes up about Islam this man's  fangs will appear.  He is not 
the person to be on a national morning  talk show that reaches millions first 
thing in the morning. He is too racist,  bigoted and narrow minded to treat 
those he has differences with fairly.   He spews racist poison in a fashion 
is not only abrasive it is  dangerous.  For him to be on good Morning America 
will give him a  level of credibility that will hurt many especially Muslims.
This man has said things that remind me of the  Klu Klux Klan in the 50's and 
60's in the deep south.  Hateful vile  things like crush what he called 
radical Islam.  He really means crush  Islam in general.  He is rude to guest 
his show if he disagrees with  them, etc.
This is not the man we need on Good Morning America or any  other show that 
has a high level of credibility.
Please take three minutes and go to and in the contact  section (the 
link is at the bottom of the page) and write to the  station about not hiring 
him at all.  If they hear  from enough of us they will at least talk to him 
about his mannerism and  hopefully he will alter his pattern of blatant  
discrimination again Muslims and all others he does not agree with on one issue 
or another on the air.
If you receive an invitation to sign a petition against him  being on Good 
Morning America please sign it.  He is a very dangerous  individual to have on 
national TV as a talk show host.  Please  protest loudly against his hiring.  
If they hear from enough of us they  will at least (if they hire him) will 
discuss and curtail his ranting on the  air.  
ma salaam
Hadayai Majeed
American and by birth and Muslim

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