The CALL to Boycott the US Dollar
  “This is Wishful Thinking. We Are a Community Who CANNOT Even Boycott the 
FAST FOODS & the CARBONISED DRINKS Coming From the US. Some People Would Even 
Say That These Types of Foods Are Harmful for Our Health. Do You Think We Will 
BOYCOTT the US Dollar. You Gotta Be JOKING.“ - AB
  Saudi Warns Off Currency Speculators
  by Reuters on Monday, 07 May 2007
  Six Gulf countries aiming for monetary union by 2010 are committed to their 
dollar pegs, and speculators betting on rising Gulf currencies could get their 
fingers burnt, Saudi Arabia's central bank vice governor Muhammad Al-Jasser 
  In an interview with Reuters on Sunday, Al-Jasser also said he saw no need to 
tighten Saudi monetary policy now and added that the country's dollar peg 
served the Gulf's largest economy well.Saudi Arabia is one of the six countries 
in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) which plans a single currency by 2010. 
However, this deadline is in doubt. Markets have been piling pressure on Gulf 
currencies, betting that some central banks will allow their currencies to 
appreciate against the falling dollar.
  Asked what he would say to those speculators betting on higher Gulf 
currencies, Al-Jasser said: "Try to find other currencies. GCC currencies are 
solid, well managed and (it) would be dangerous for speculators to try to play 

Al-Jasser, who is vice governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, added 
that the six Gulf countries had not discussed the dollar peg at a meeting they 
held in April."The course was stayed because it wasn't raised as an issue. The 
course is to peg the currencies to the dollar until the launch of monetary 
union and the creation of the monetary institution," he said.
"Everybody is still committed to that agreement," said Al-Jasser, who was in 
Basel for a bi-monthly meeting of central bank officials at the Bank for 
International Settlements.
Speculation of a delay to monetary union gathered momentum after Oman said last 
year it had decided not to meet the target. Al-Jasser said: "2010 is getting 
closer and closer which makes it much more demanding to complete all the 
technical work, but the committees are working hard and we see what we can 
achieve before the deadline."
Asked if the countries were committed to the deadline, he said: "Yes."
The dollar's recent slide to a record low against the euro has made some Gulf 
Arab imports more expensive, driving up inflation. But Al-Jasser said: "No, we 
will not (change the peg) because it continues to serve us well. As long as the 
present circumstances prevail, we have no reason or interest in changing it."
"Of course whenever you are pegged to a currency and it depreciates or 
appreciates, it raises concerns," he said. "However, in the case of Saudi 
Arabia, the dollar happens to be a natural hedge, meaning all of our exports 
are denominated in dollars, and more than 70% of imports are denominated in 
dollars ... Therefore, the impact is not as significant as one would gather 
from reading newspapers."
Saudi Arabia raised benchmark repo interest rates by 30 basis points in 
February to 5.5%. "If there is a need for action it will be taken and reported 
but it's not something to be discussed a priori. I don't think there is a need 
now (to tighten policy)," he said.
  AB – [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                        
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

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