The early history of Islam is replete with examples of men and women who 
patiently put up with all sorts of persecution and willingly laid down their 
lives for the sake of truth. However, the later-day Muslims needed a more 
stirring example to serve as an eternal reminder that social and political ills 
cannot be held in check without paying a really heavy price. Allah willed that 
this supreme example be set by the grandson of the Messenger of Allah.
  The martyrdom of Hazrat Husain has a significance of its own. He stood 
firmly, against overwhelming odds, for what he believed to be the right cause 
in the interest of Islam. He had no delusions about the outcome of the 
struggle. But the grim outlook only added to the strength of his resolve.
  The supreme sacrifice of Hazrat Husain exalted him to a position of glory, 
which the mightiest of emperors might well envy. Hazrat Husain became a symbol 
of the eternal struggle of right against might. Whenever and wherever men feel 
overawed by the forces of evil, their thoughts turn to Hazrat Husain. They take 
heart from his example and carry on the fight with a renewed faith.
  A Brief Historical Account of Events Leading to the Martyrdom of Imam Husain 
r.a. Al-Husain was the second son of Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad 
(pbuh), by her husband Ali, the fourth Khalifah. A brother to Al-Hasan(r.a)
  The Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said,
  "Both of them are my children and the sons of my daughter. O Allah! I love 
them both. So you too, love them as well as those who have love for them."
  Imam Husain ibn-i-Ali stands out as the beacon of light throwing his pure and 
lustrous effulgence attracting the votaries of Truth and self-sacrifice. The 
noblest martyr...


     Please read   
  Books in English  Imam Husain And His Martyrdom 
  Abdullah Yusuf Ali   
  Husain The Great Martyr
  Prof. Fazal Ahmed
     Books in Urdu  Imam Hussain (R.A)
  Maulana Abul Kalam Azad   
  Shahadat-e-Hussain(R.A) ka Haqiqi Maqsad  Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi   
  FREE Available

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    Jazakumullah Khair

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