Iran The Next Iraq - 12 Questions and Answers!
                “I am an American citizen. As such I love my country. If 
another country were to unjustly attack the US the way the US attacked Iraq and 
Afghanistan, I would be in the front lines defending my country and will 
willingly give my life in that effort. To me that is part of my responsibility 
as a citizen of the US. But if my government wants to wage an unjust war 
against other countries like it has done in Iraq and Afghanistan, I will never 
support it. I will never support the next planned war against Iran. In fact I 
will work strongly against it. I love my country but G’d and righteous 
principles take a higher position for me. I won’t support my country in 
anything that goes against G’d and righteousness.” 

Now that Bush is re-elected the plans that were in place to invade Iran are in 
full force. There have been several articles in major newspapers, magazines and 
television and radio news demonizing Iran and setting that country up as the 
next target. In fact you will see an increase in the demonizing as time passes. 
The Iranian President is in the spotlight and he being portrayed as an 
intolerant anti-Semite who wants to see Israel wiped off the planet. But before 
you believe all that, here are 12 questions with answers about Iran that every 
American should know. 

    1. Do you believe that the great Iranian people willingly accepted Islam or 
that this was a consequence of losing the war to Arabs roughly 1300 years ago? 
I have come to terms with this knowing that since then Iranians have steered 
much of the achievements of the Islamic era and that they helped nurture 
another doctrine within Islam: Shiism. 

First I will address the Zionist lie about Islam being spread by the sword and 
then I will be specific about Iran. 

This myth, which was made popular in Europe during the Crusades, is totally 
baseless. First of all, the Qur’an clearly says, "Let there be no compulsion in 
religion". Muslims are strictly forbidden by the Qur’an and the example of our 
Prophet (saaw) to force our religion on others. 

I could cite many credible Western historians and thinkers like Arnold Tonybee, 
Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw and even Eastern thinkers like Mahatma 
Ghandi who have made strong statements dispelling the lies about Islam being 
spread by the sword. But I will show what De Lacy O'Leary has to say on the 
subject of “the sword of Islam”. 

“History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping 
through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered 
races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever 
repeated” (Islam at the Crossroads, London, 1923 p. 8 ) . 

Now specifically about the spread of Islam in Iran: In 637 CE, the Arab forces 
occupied the Sassanid capital of Ctesiphon (Mada’in). This was a result of the 
Arabs winning the Qadisiyah wars. The Islamic conquest was aided by the 
material and social bankruptcy of the Sassanids; the native populations 
actually cooperated with the conquering power. 

Although winning this initial war against the Persians, the Muslims offered 
relative religious tolerance and fair treatment to populations that accepted 
Islamic rule without resistance. Conversion to Islam, which offered certain 
advantages, was fairly rapid among the urban population but slower among the 
peasantry in the rural areas. The majority of Persians did not become Muslim 
until the ninth century. The Persians were so enthusiastic about Islam that 
they became the leading torch bearers of the religion and experienced a 400 
year Golden Age after their embracing of Islam. 

Compare this to the Soviet Union which ruled the many states by communism. But 
as soon as communist rule was abandoned, the people went back identifying with 
their religious beliefs prior to communism. Chechnya and others are examples. 
But the Persians whole heartedly embraced Islam and led the Muslim world even 
adopting the Arabic alphabet over theirs. While free, they willingly chose and 
accepted Islam. 

    2. Do you believe Shiism is a legitimate Islamic doctrine or that the 
beliefs and practices of the Shiites (e.g., near deification of imams etc) 
constitutes heresy as far as the rest of the Moslems are concerned? 

My friend I leave those matters for G’d to decide. When I see Shia or Sunni 
behaving as the Qur’an says a MUSLIM should behave, then in my eyes they are 
Muslims. What may surprise you too is that when I see Christians, Jews, or ANY 
human being striving to submit their will to do G’d’s Will, in my book their 
actions fit the description of Muslims. Not a Muslim gang or club BUT Muslim in 
content. Although many Sunni Muslims claim that Shias are a heresy, I don’t go 
along with them. To me, regardless of whether a person calls themselves Sunni 
or Shia, if they disobey Islamic teachings then their actions could never be 
seen as Muslim. To me contents NOT labels are important. 

    3. Do you believe that Moslems should lend unconditional support to other 
Moslems regardless of who the Moslem flag-bearers are? That is, is anyone 
claiming to be a Moslem immediately worthy of unconditional support? 

Hell No!!! I will be going against Islam if I believe that. The Qur’an 
specifically tells Muslims to “ascertain the truth before you judge” and “stand 
out firmly for justice, even as against (49:6) yourselves, or your parents, or 
your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor…” (4:135). In both 
statements G’d puts truth and justice above the “Muslim club” and even higher 
than parents and family. 

    4. Do you believe in the separation of church and state? 

When you have religious oppression as was experienced in Europe, the best 
solution was to separate. It was not Islam that caused people to flee religious 
persecutions as Christianity did in Europe causing Europeans to find and 
establish religious freedom in a new land. Then due to the horrible, inhuman 
experience with Christianity the country formed in the new world said never 
again. Never again would we let the ignorance and cruelties of the Christian 
religion rule our government. We insist and we legislate that there will always 
be a separation of church and state! This was religious Christian men who said 
that and came up with the Constitution making that law. 

But in Islam, we did not have that experience. You would never hear or see any 
Muslim clamoring for separation of Church and state. Even after bombardment of 
western culture and values, you will always find Muslims calling for a state 
governed by Shariah laws. Why? Because Shariah surpasses in terms of humanity, 
growth, education, justice, fair dealings, etc anything that a secular state 
can provide. Unlike tyrannical Christian rule that suppressed reason, rational 
and scientific growth in Europe, in Islam those things were encouraged and the 
most erudite in the Muslim world were the most religious. Much of what the 
western world defines as democratic and progressive is already contained within 
Shariah. This has already been pointed out HERE 

    5. Do you believe that rule by clergy (Velayat e faqih) is a good form of 

I believe that rule by Shariah is a good form of government. Whether or not the 
Velayat e faqih in Iran is following the Shariah 100% is another question. But 
whether they are or are not, I don’t think that demonizing them to justify an 
attack on Iran is warranted. Whatever they are, they are no where near as bad 
as most governments in the world. The citizens of Iran are far better off than 
those of neighboring states such as Pakistan and Uzbekistan, where the US is 
fostering military dictatorships. 

    6. Do you believe in democracy as a legitimate tool of governance? 

I already answered that question here. 

    7. Do you believe in a group of unelected clergy residing over and have the 
power of veto over the democratically elected members of parliament?

Well we had an unelected group of people override the will of the majority in 
democratic USA in the year 2000. Asking the question as you did leaves off the 
understanding of there being a balance of power in a democratic form of 
government. In the US we have the Judiciary, Legislative and Executive branches 
of government with each having their role and functions defined. The 
Legislative and Executive branch are elected but the Judiciary branch is NOT 
elected but appointed. But in the year 2000, the unelected Judiciary branch 
made George Bush president although the popular vote of the people showed that 
the majority in this democracy wanted Al Gore. 

In regards to the Iranian form of government, I want to “ascertain the truth” 
before I judge. I wouldn’t want to give a knee jerk answer to your question 
simply as a result of how it is phrased. 

    8. Do you believe that the government of Iran is legitimate (mandate coming 
from the masses) as it stands today?

Yes I do, based on what the majority of Iranians have shared with me. I was 
even heavily involved with Iranians when Khomeini was brought into power and 
the Iranian Constitution was born. It is only a fringe minority, who left their 
noble Iranian culture, and is more fascinated by western culture and values who 

    9. Do you believe that despite the shortcomings of the Iranian government 
(whom you admit are not perfect), Iranians should support them unconditionally 
even to their own detriment? 

As I mentioned in my earlier post, no one and nothing should be supported 
unconditionally. Any valid government should be able to accept healthy 
criticism that will foster its’ growth. I don’t view the Iranian government as 
working towards the people’s detriment, BUT I do view the plans for war against 
Iran by the US and Israel as dangerously detrimental. It is a big danger 
looming over the Iranians and I believe any Iranian who ignores that and spends 
most of their time pointing to their perceived imperfections in the Iranian 
government as a fake, and maybe part of the onslaught against Iran by their 
enemies. There is a time to air dirty laundry and there is a time when a life 
threatening danger is looming where you have to address the greater danger. 
What would you think about a husband who focuses his time yelling at his wife 
for not keeping the bedroom clean, while at the same time seeing men outside 
his window with torches ready to burn his house down and yet not
 saying or doing anything about that? 

    10. If you believe that the answer to 9 is yes, then why are you, as an 
American citizen not supporting your government unconditionally? 

Well you have my answer above but I want to mention this for the record. I am 
an American citizen. As such I love my country. If another country were to 
unjustly attack the US the way the US attacked Iraq and Afghanistan, I would be 
in the front lines defending my country and will willingly give my life in that 
effort. To me that is part of my responsibility as a citizen of the US. But if 
my government wants to wage an unjust war against other countries like it has 
done in Iraq and Afghanistan, I will never support it. I will never support the 
next planned war against Iran. In fact I will work strongly against it. I love 
my country but G’d and righteous principles take a higher position for me. I 
won’t support my country in anything that goes against G’d and righteousness. 

    11. Do you think that in every event in the world, 'Jews' are somehow 

NO! But I know that in a great number of events Jews are involved. This is as a 
result of their getting caught red handed, exposures, confessions, “cui bono” 
and other evidences. 

    12. Do you believe that the history of the world is one in which the 
'Jakobites' are behind every evil known to mankind and it wasn't until the 
advent of Islam that they are being contained? 

NO! Boy you love absolutism don’t you? There is much evil being done in the 
world and in past history due to weaknesses that can be found in all human 
beings. Those evils can be found in all races, sexes, nationalities, etc. But I 
believe that there have been great evils perpetuated by a small sect of Jews, 
Jahcubites, in their quest for world rule or world domination. Not all Jews, 
mind you, because there have been many noble and courageous Jews who fought 
against their evil brethren throughout history and paid with their lives for 
doing so. 

The fight against the Jahcubites did not start with Islam. It has been a fight 
that has been going on for thousands of years spear headed by Prophets of G’d 
and righteous men all over the world. Their teachings were like well crafted 
weapons, revealed by G’d, to thwart the Jahcubites plan. Jesus, Abraham, Moses, 
Muhammad and other Prophets (peace be upon them) were all soldiers in the army 
of G’d working against this evil. That is why religious scripture was 
deliberately corrupted and much of the religious world disparaged and reduced 
to blind rituals, rules, senseless practices and ignorance. The original 
elevation of the mind and soul as intended by G’d has been lost to much of the 
religions in the world. Even the Islamic world has become a victim of this, 
although not fully controlled as other religions. The proper growth of the soul 
that is missed by many religions is beautifully described by the following 
words from the Qur’an: 

Surah 91. The Sun 

1. By the Sun and his (glorious) splendour; 
2. By the Moon as she follows him; 
3. By the Day as it shows up (the Sun's) glory; 
4. By the Night as it conceals it; 
5. By the Firmament and its (wonderful) structure; 
6. By the Earth and its (wide) expanse: 
7. By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it; 
8. And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;- 
9. Truly he succeeds that purifies it, 
10. And he fails that corrupts it! 

I hope that answers your questions.

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