Is There an Identity of European Muslims?* 
              By Mustafa Ceric**
Grand Mufti of Bosnia 
                         Europe as an open society with multiple identities 

  There is a miracle and a puzzle in Muslim history that cannot be rationally 
explained. The miracle is the speed and scope of the early seventh-century 
spread of Islam, from a poor Arab-Bedouin perspective, into the two great 
civilizations of the time — the Persian and the Byzantine. The puzzle is the 
rapid decline of Islamic civilization by the 18th century, after it had proved 
its unprecedented vitality and capability. By that time, Muslims had lost the 
geographical, cultural, economic, and political impact on world affairs to the 
point of their being put to the margin of so-called modern history. This state 
of affairs made Muslims for the last two centuries struggle for their comeback 
to the mainstream of modern or global history. Consequently, Muslims have been 
busy with two main movements aimed at regaining their place in history: 
secularization and re-Islamization.
  We may recognize the problem of the modern Muslim identity in the debate 
about the kind of secularization of Muslim history and the method of 
(re-)Islamization of the Muslim mind. The idea of secularization did not come 
to Muslims as a result of their own experience. The majority of Muslim ulama 
(scholars), and some Muslim intellectuals as well, have always felt that the 
idea of secularization of Muslim societies has come from the West by political 
and sometimes even military pressure.
  This is one of the reasons why the secularization of Muslim history, except 
perhaps in Turkey and Tunisia, has failed, and this is why the drive for a kind 
of re-Islamization of the Muslim mind is taking place. Muslims have refused to 
give up the idea of a universal community of Islam (the Ummah) even if it 
means, at least for the time being, a utopia. To Muslims who believe in the 
concept of Islamization, secularism is nothing more than an ethnic, racial, and 
national conception of cultural identity.
  Nevertheless, Muslims did accept the concept of the nation state identity for 
whatever reasons. Thus they are aware of the idea of multiple identities, 
meaning that one can find a satisfaction for a universal identity such as an 
Islamic identity in a presumably non-Islamic state. And this is why I asked, is 
there an identity of European Muslims?
  Who Needs European Muslim Identity?
  But, first, we should ask, who needs European Muslim identity? It seems that 
Muslims do not need it because their Islamic identity is so universal and so 
inclusive that they do not need any additional identity. Europe is not dar 
al-Islam (the abode of Islam) and so they cannot identify themselves with it. 
Europeans do not need the European Muslim identity either because it seems that 
they care less for anybody's religious identity.
  However, I believe that both the Muslims who live in Europe and the Europeans 
who can now see a Muslim in their neighborhood and so need not go to 
Afghanistan to find one, need to recognize that there is such a thing as the 
European Muslims or the Muslim Europeans. It is exactly because Islam is a 
universal and inclusive faith and religion that Muslims should be open for new 
cultural and national identities. Unlike Judaism, which is more concerned about 
its missionary work in the sense of political support for Israel, both Islam 
and Christianity are missionary faiths in the sense of cross-cultural and 
cross-national religious activities. And Europeans should care for an identity 
of the European Muslims because it is not correct to say that Europe is 
exclusively a Christian continent. It is a historical fact that many centuries 
have witnessed not only Muslims but also Jewish people living in Europe. Both 
of them made significant contributions to European life and culture.
  Europeans should not only become aware of the fact of the presence of Muslims 
in their neighborhood; they should also know that because of that presence, 
their own identity is strengthened and is becoming more meaningful. Let me 
remind you of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The German physicist 
Heisenberg discovered that it is difficult to truly know and measure everything 
about an object, whether it is an electron or a rabbit, because the very act of 
observing it changes its behavior. Therefore, everything else other than humans 
can only be known through isolation.
  We humans are completely different. We can only be known, and we can only 
know ourselves, through interaction with the world around us. In contrast to 
electrons and rabbits, we come to know ourselves through the research, 
experimentation, and modification of our relationship toward the world we live 
  Isolation is torture and destroys all self-awareness. Only relationships 
provide the identity that derives as a consequence of meeting people. In 
addition, loyalty to the society in which we live determines our individual and 
collective identity. A community or society is not only a necessary choice; 
relationships are that which define us, through which we come to know 
ourselves, and through which the world comes to know us. People live their 
identity through relations with the world around them. Those who spend their 
time in isolation or segregation thinking they will come to know themselves in 
that way are mistaken. Quite the opposite: Man comes to know himself through 
contact and interaction with that which surrounds him, alive or dead.
  Common Values
                 Because of the presence of Muslims in Europeans neighborhood, 
their own identity is strengthened and is becoming more meaningful. 

  In order to understand the meaning of the identity of the European Muslims, 
we need to know basic common values with which we may identify ourselves.
  As much as they are universal, the values are common. The most important of 
all values that are universal and thus common to all of us are the value of 
life, the value of freedom, the value of religion, the value of property, and 
the value of human dignity. Therefore, the European values are common as much 
as they are universal, and they are universal as much as they are common to all 
of us.
  Let us begin with the value of life and the idea of the Ten Commandments: You 
shall not kill, which means you shall not commit the holocaust, you shall not 
commit genocide, and you shall not commit ethnic cleansing. What is more common 
to all of us than the value of life?
  Freedom is an important value; without freedom life has no real meaning. The 
road from slavery to freedom has been one of the most important journeys in 
human history. In addition, the value of freedom is a European value that is so 
precious, it was earned by the priceless human blood through many generations.
  Respecting religion is another common European value in the sense that the 
Europeans have had the freedom to choose one of many religions that have been 
arriving at the European continent throughout history: Judaism, Christianity, 
Islam, as well as many other Eastern religions. None of the main European 
religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — has originated in Europe. All of 
them have come from the East.
  The right to have property as a means of decent human life is a value of 
Europe that should be asserted as a common human value. Europe is now a haven 
for many people who are becoming independent through the European economic 
  Finally, the value of human dignity is a common value that must be developed 
further in Europe, especially in terms of fighting against xenophobia, racism, 
fascism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, etc.
  Some Definitions of Europe
  Writing in 1751, Voltaire described Europe as
  A kind of great republic divided into several states, some monarchical, the 
others mixed … but all corresponding with one another. They all have the same 
religious foundation, even if divided into several confessions. They all have 
the same principle of public law and politics, unknown in other parts of the 
world. (Davies 7)
  In his attempt to demonstrate the unity of European culture (Die Einheit der 
Europaeischen Kulture), T.S. Eliot wrote in 1946
  The dominant feature in creating a common culture between peoples, each of 
which has its own distinct culture, is religion … I am talking about the common 
tradition of Christianity, which has made Europe what it is, and about the 
common cultural elements, which this common Christianity has brought with it … 
It is in Christianity that our arts have developed; it is in Christianity that 
the laws of Europe—until recently—have been rooted, it is against a background 
of Christianity that all our thought has significance.
  An individual European may not believe that the Christian Faith is true; and 
yet what he says, and makes, and does, will all … depend on (the Christian 
heritage) for its meaning. Only a Christian culture could have produced a 
Voltaire or a Nietzsche. I do not believe that the culture of Europe could 
survive the complete disappearance of the Christian Faith. (Davies 9)
  On the relationship between Europe and the other cultures and religions, Hugh 
Seton-Watson has a more inclusive approach when he wrote in 1985
  The interweaving of the notions of Europe and of Christendom is a fact of 
History which even the most brilliant sophistry cannot undo … But it is no less 
true that there are strands in European culture that are not Christian: The 
Roman, the Hellenic, arguably the Persian, and (in modern centuries) the 
Jewish. Whether there is also a Muslim strand is more difficult to say. (Davies 
  Europe should be guided by the individual right to life, freedom, religion, 
property, and dignity that will lead to a collective consciousness of a common 
human destiny.
  The broad pluralism of values of the European Union should follow these noble 
principles of human conduct:
    1.The argument of the might of big nations should be replaced by the 
argument of the right of small nations.
  2. The argument of historical myth should be replaced by the argument of 
historical responsibility.
  3. The argument of poor political compromise should be replaced by the 
argument of strong moral commitment.
  4. The argument of sinful behavior should be replaced by the argument of 
Adam's humble repentance.
  5. The argument of falsehood should be replaced by the argument of Abraham's 
  6. The argument of revenge should be replaced by the argument of Jesus's love.
  7. The argument of war should be replaced by the argument of Muhammad's peace 
to all mankind.
  Identity as Continuity of Memory
  Europe has to face many essential questions:
     What is the European memory, if any? 
     What is the continuity of the European memory as its identity? 
     Is it political only? It is cultural in nature? Is it religious in focus? 
     Is the European memory only a past memory? 
     Does Europe have a present memory? 
     Does Europe dare to have a future memory with many faiths? 
     Is Europe ready to accept the memory of Islam as its continuity of memory 
as its multiple identities? 

  I am afraid that Europe is still hesitant to accept the memory of its future 
in which Judaism and Islam are equal along with Christianity.
  I see Europe as an open society with multiple identities of a particular 
political mind, of a unique cultural heart, of a pluralistic religious soul 
that is happy in its unity of purpose with a diversity of spiritual 
     Davies, Norman. Europe: A History. London: Pimiico, 1997. 

        * This article is based on a paper presented at the International Forum 
Bosnia, Mostar, August 9, 2006.
  ** Mustafa Ceric has been the Grand Mufti of Bosnia since 1993. He is also 
the Grand Mufti of Sanjak, Croatia, and Slovenia. He graduated from Madrasah in 
Sarajevo and from the Faculty of Arabic at Al-Azhar University, Cairo. In 1987 
he received his PhD in Islamic studies from the University of Chicago

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