Before running off and believing the nonsense and fabricated stories about 
those bad terrorist Trinidadian Muslims attempting to blow up JFK, let's look 
at who has been caught in Trinidad not long ago with setting off bombs and 
staging terrorism. My, my these "god's chosen people" were sure a long way from 
  The other question to ask yourself is why wasn't the story below and other 
stories about Israelis being caught staging terrorism in Trinidad given the 
same fanfare by the media as they are trying to do now with Muslims?
  "In what may have been an attempt to stage a set of bombings in the Caribbean 
oil region and point the finger at Venezuela's significant Arab and Muslim 
population, a Russian-born Israeli national was recently arrested in Port of 
Spain, Trinidad. Vatang Agrunov (who uses the aliases Bhatang Agranouve and 
Dahtang Mik Agarunov), 26, is being questioned by Trinidadian authorities for 
his connections to four bombings in Port of Spain this year-- on July 11 on 
busy Frederick Street (injuring 14 people, 2 seriously, one woman losing her 
leg), August 10 on busy George Street, September 10, and November 3. As was the 
case with Israeli "art students" and "movers" who have been detained in the 
United States and Canada, Agrunov played dumb, first claiming he did not steal 
an immigration extension stamp that could be illegally used to grant visa 
extensions in Trinidad. According to the Trinidad and Tobago Express, in 
typical broken English and proffering a sob story, Agrunov told
 police, "I just want to say I take the stamp and finish this story. I don't 
want to stay in this country any longer. I want to go home. I just want to 
finish this and go back to my country because my family does not know what 
happened to me." 

Agrunov had used the immigration stamp to extend his own stay in the country. 
Caribbean authorities have intelligence that Agrunov is a suspected terrorist.

TT-Isr.jpg (29959 bytes) 

Israeli terrorists in Caribbean setting the stage for attacks in Venezuela? 

Trinidad and Tobago authorities, including the Trinidad Anti-Crime Unit, the 
Criminal Investigation Division, and the local Interpol representative, are 
awaiting an Interpol report on Agrunov. Port of Spain Magistrate Maureen 
Baboolal-Gafoor denied Agrunov bail, citing him as a flight risk. Israeli 
agents have been arrested in New Zealand and Australia on charges that they 
were involved in the theft of New Zealand passports. As typical in such cases, 
the Israeli government denied any knowledge of the Trinidad affair. The Israeli 
embassy in Caracas, which has responsibility for Israeli affairs in Trinidad, 
said it had no information on Agrunov's arrest. 

The unfettered use of a Trinidad visa stamp by an Israeli false flag cell would 
have permitted Israeli agents to secretly enter and exit Venezuela via nearby 
Trinidad, which is only 7 miles away -- an excellent cover for committing 
terrorist attacks on tourist centers or oil installations in either Venezuela 
or Trinidad -- and blaming them on "Al Qaeda" or Arabs and Muslims living in 
the area. The previous bombings in Trinidad were at first blamed on local 
Muslim activists. Israel's Foreign Ministry is labeling as "strange" the 
reaction of Trinidadian authorities to the presence of a suspected Israeli 
terrorist in their nation. 

There is also evidence that the FBI arrived in Trinidad after the July blast to 
cover up for the Israelis. Local police complained that the FBI presence was 
not required and Prime Minister Patrick Manning said he was unaware that anyone 
had requested help from the FBI at the time. In cases where local police and 
Federal agents detained Israeli agents snooping around sensitive industrial and 
military facilities in the United States, the FBI quickly had them transferred 
to their control whereupon they were hurriedly deported from the United States. 
In some cases, deported Israelis have returned to the United States.
  See the link below for more:

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