Mike  Ghouse, Jan 11, 2007

The Americans have given a  mandate to the Democrats, and certainly have 
given a clear message to get the  hell out of Iraq. 

Our President has been shielded from the  Public far too long now; he just 
does not see the ratings, the votes and the  survey. If he wants to go down in 
the history as a President who had his own  mind, he needs to dump the yes men 
and women around him.

We have to honor the Iraqi's people's right to  self determination. Let them 
figure it out what needs to be done. It is  arrogance on our part to believe 
that they cannot handle their affairs. I am  certain, they can't beat death 
records in excess of 3000 of our own sons and  daughters and 600,000 Iraqis. We 
should not be responsible for any more deaths,  let's get out of there.

Our absence will de-escalate the killings and  much of the bloodshed will 
stop.The Iraqi's are a very capable people, it is  their nation, their society 
and their lives at stake, and they will take care of  it themselves. We need to 
stop pretending to be the protectors, God is, not  us.

Mike Ghouse

Reaction to Presiden't Bush's  speech - Check out the YES MEN below, Cain, 
Juliani & Ramni,  it is because of these men, we are accelrating our mistakes. 
hope, our  President dumps all the yes men's advice, and find men and women 
who have the  guts to stand up to you to say "Sir, I am afraid, you are wrong". 
When will  they learn to speak up? By the way, I am a Republican and will 
remain one. Our  party is screwed up, but it will get fixed and I hope it would 
be before 2008.  We just need more people to speak up without fear. - Mike 
The Reaction 

Statements on President Bush's Iraq speech from  potential 2008 presidential 
"As our commanders have said  repeatedly, Iraq requires a political solution, 
not a purely military one, and  we did not hear such a proposed solution 
tonight."-- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton  (D-N.Y.) 

"I have no doubt that the president is sincere in believing that his  
strategy is the right one. But escalation has already been tried and it has  
failed, because no amount of American forces can solve the political  
differences that lie at the heart of somebody else's civil war."-- Sen. Barack  

"The new Congress must intercede to stop Bush from stubbornly sticking to  
the same failed course in Iraq and refuse to authorize funding for an 
 of troops."-- Former senator John Edwards (D-N.C. 

"I've been calling for the increases, but I believe that this can  succeed.I 
really do. I believe that it's not just an increase in troops; it's a  change 
in strategy."-- Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Fox News 

"I support the president's increase in troops. Even more importantly, I  
support the change in strategy - the focus on security and the emphasis on a  
political and economic solution as being even more important than a military  
solution."-- Former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani (R)  

"I agree with the president: Our strategy in Iraq must change. Our  military 
mission, for the first time, must include securing the civilian  population 
from violence and terror."-- Former Massachusetts governor Mitt  Romney (R)  
_www.MikeGhouse.blogspot.com_ (http://www.mikeghouse.blogspot.com/)  

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