Vice Cops Arrest Drug Dealer and Pimps in Makkah Raids
Badea Abu Al-Naja, Arab News
MAKKAH, April 2007 - A drug dealer and a gang of pimps were arrested by members 
of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in two 
separate incidents that took place in the city recently.

Following a tip-off about a Saudi drug dealer in his 40s, who would all sell 
alcohol and bring prostitutes to his home, commission members covertly 
maintained a surveillance operation of the man's home documenting cars 
belonging to customers, who would come to buy drugs.

The tip-off proved true and, although the drug-dealer had set up cameras at his 
home to inform him of potential police raids, commission members successfully 
raided the man's house, where he was found drunk. "We managed to confiscate 
around one and a half kilos of hashish, five bottles of alcohol, SR7,530 of 
drug money and an abundance of pornography movies," said a commission member, 
who preferred to remain anonymous.

Commission members arrested a woman, thought to be a prostitute, at the man's 
home. "Following investigations, we learned that the man has been dealing in 
drugs for quite some time. He has been operating with a Pakistani man and a 
local Saudi man. The three have been handed over to the Anti-Drugs Department 
for further questioning," said the commission member.

In a separate incident, commission members raided two brothels in the city and 
arrested a number of expatriate prostitutes and their Pakistani pimps. "The 
commission received a tip-off that there are two brothels operating in the 
Al-Haj Street and Al-Mansour Street. The pimps running the brothels were all 
Pakistanis. They would provide the women with accommodation to sell 
themselves," said the commission spokesman.

"The women would charge SR200 for a short time with them. For an entire night 
they would charge SR500 to SR600. A commission member asked a Pakistani pimp to 
arrange a date for him. He told him to arrive at a certain place at a certain 
time. Commission members raided the location and found a number of drunken men, 
alcohol and prostitutes. The pimps and prostitutes were all arrested and have 
been transferred to the police for further questioning," said the commission 

Meanwhile, the Madinah branch of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and 
the Prevention of Vice has begun a new training program to improve the 
performance of commission members.

Some of the courses teach members different topics related to the job of 
promoting virtue and preventing vice. The courses, taught by religious experts, 
teach commission members about work ethics and commission's rules and 

Attendees are also being provided training in how to interact with the public, 
how to use computers, and details of how to implement new administrative rules.

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice also 
offers members opportunities to pursue further study by offering scholarships 
at the Umm Al-Qura University, Naif University, as well as other Saudi 

"The Madinah branch of the commission is now implementing its yearly plan. We 
ran nine courses last year and more than 375 members have benefited from them. 
More members are now being sent to the Promotion for Virtue and the Prevention 
of Vice Faculty at the Umm Al-Qura University for further training," said 
Sulaiman Al-Tuwijri, general manager of the commission's Madinah branch.

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