Mossad Agent Pearlman Releases Phony "Al-Qaeda Tape"
While President Bush authorizes the CIA to bankroll and arm the real
Al-Qaeda in Iran

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Adam Pearlman, the Jewish Mossad agent who once wrote stinging essays
condemning Muslims as "bloodthirsty terrorists", has once again popped
up as an "Al-Qaeda spokesman" to frighten the dwindling number of
Americans who still believe Al-Qaeda exists outside of U.S.
intelligence circles.

    "An American member of al-Qaida warned President Bush on Tuesday
to end U.S. involvement in all Muslim lands or face an attack worse
than the Sept. 11 suicide assault, according to a new videotape."

    "Wearing a white robe and a turban, Adam Yehiye Gadahn, who also
goes by the name Azzam al-Amriki, said al-Qaida would not negotiate on
its demands," reports the Associated Press.

Who is the mysterious Adam Yehiye Gadahn?

The FBI lists Gadahn's aliases as Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb,
Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, and Yayah.

Adam Pearlman is his real name and his grandfather is none other than
the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange
County. Carl was also a member of the board of directors of the
Anti-Defamation League, which was caught spying on Americans for
Israel in 1993. Mike Rivero has the scoop at

Israel's Mossad intelligence agency was caught in 2002 creating a
phony Al-Qaeda group to justify attacks on Palestinians.

Pearlman has a knack of releasing his tapes at the most politically
opportune time for Bush, having first burst onto the scene shortly
before the 2004 presidential election and then again right after
Katrina when the President's approval rating was tanking fast.

Even more mainstream publications, like the Los Angeles City Beat,
have dismissed Pearlman before as nothing more than "cartoonish

Pearlman had a hippy upbringing, a brief but intense flirtation with
death metal and before a sudden transformation, once referred to
Muslims as "bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists." Pearlman was a
hardcore Jewish Zionist and wrote essays and screeds bashing the
Muslim faith. He even got into fights at mosques and beat up Muslim

Pearlman, the hardcore Jewish Zionist who trashed Muslims and beat
them up, grows a beard and suddenly becomes an "Al-Qaeda spokesman" -
nothing suspicious here, move along!

Pearlman's personal history and the highly suspicious nature in which
he suddenly professed his conversion to Islam in a single Internet
posting and later appeared on the scene as a spokesman for "Al-Qaeda"
are all the ingredients needed to draw the conclusion that Pearlman is
working as a double agent and most likely for Mossad.

The Pearlman tape was once again obtained by the IntelCenter group, a
U.S. government contractor, and it's head Ben Venzke has given the
tape credence in media interviews concerning the story.

In our previous groundbreaking expose, we unveiled the ties between
Intelcenter, a group that regularly 'obtains' Al-Qaeda tapes and the
Pentagon. Intelcenter is an offshoot of IDEFENSE, which was staffed by
a senior military psy-op intelligence officer Jim Melnick, who has
worked directly for Donald Rumsfeld.

Intelcenter were behind the October 2006 release of the "laughing
hijackers" tape that showed Mohammad Atta and Ziad Jarrah allegedly
attending a 2000 Al-Qaeda meeting and reading their last will and

Segments of the video that were interspersed with footage of the
"laughing hijackers," Jarrah and Atta, showing Bin Laden giving a
speech to an audience in Afghanistan on January 8 2000, were culled
from what terror experts described as surveillance footage taken by a
"security agency."

News reports at the time contained the admission that the U.S.
government had been in possession of the footage since 2002, while
others said it was found when the United States invaded Afghanistan in
2001, and yet it was still bizarrely reported that the tape, bearing
all the hallmarks of having been filmed and edited by undercover US
intelligence and having admittedly been in US possession for five
years, was released over the weekend of September 31/October 1 by

The video also contained segments that were first broadcast in a
British documentary called The Road to Guantanamo, which was
originally aired in March 2006. The context of the corresponding scene
in the dramatized documentary featured U.S. interrogators attempting
to coerce Gitmo detainees into confessing Al-Qaeda membership by
showing them fake videos where their likeness had been computer
generated to appear as if they were in attendance during Bin Laden's
January 8 2000 speech.

The monster in the closet is once again being waved in front of the
American people's faces in order to quell bubbling national resentment
about the ongoing carnage in Iraq and the fact that May was the
deadliest month in terms of our boys returning home in flag-draped

Meanwhile, President Bush has authorized the CIA to bankroll and arm
Jundullah, a Sunni Al-Qaeda organization, to attack Iran in order to
destabilize Ahmadinejad's government.

While Bush grandstands in his Rose Garden speech about how Al-Qaeda
wants to kill our children and as Mossad agent Pearlman rants on a
video tape about a new 9/11, the only real Al-Qaeda are being
equipped, funded and trained by our own government to kill innocent
civilians in the Middle East in order to pave the way for the next
chapter of Neo-Con blood-letting - while crude propaganda tapes are
foisted on us at home in an effort to hoodwink us into supporting it

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