
Dear Members,


Please see the editorial of a new independant English daily of Dhaka on the 
subject of weekly holiday in Bangladesh. It is strange that a small minority 
has raised the issue of weekly holiday again though we are in the midst of so 
many other problems at the moment. Friday holiday is there for about 25 years 
and the Editorail below has rightly pointed out that Bangladesh has progressed 
more than ever in the last decade when Friday was the weekly holiday. I feel 
that this sattled issue has been raised only to create more disunity among the 
nation and will not serve national interest. I also support the editorial 
comment that the gjovernment should ignore this call of a section of people 

Shah Abdul Hannan

  Most People against Sunday Holiday 

We have seen a first page report in a daily which says that the 
government has decided to introduce Sunday as weekly holiday from the next 
We are surprised at this news. As far as we know the government, has not 
at all decided in favor of Sunday. This has not been demanded by any of 
the four major parties, the BNP, the Awami League, the Jamaat-e-Islami 
and the Jatiyo Party. 

In fact Jatiyo Party introduced Friday as holiday and BNP and Awami 
League did not change it. In fact we remember that when some businessmen 
demanded it about a year back, Mr. Saifur Rahman, Ex Finance Minister, said 
that the demand is irrelevant because when it is day time in Dhaka it is 
mostly night or evening in the west. 

We have already said before in another editorial that the demand for 
Sunday by business leaders is only emotional attachment with the west. The 
statistics show that export, import, remittance and GDP have grown 
constantly in the last twenty years. Some times key garment sector 
export has gone up by more thirty percent a year. We have also said earlier 
that not a single export consignment has been lost for Friday holiday. For 
Instance if the LC is for thirty days and if the last day is the 
Friday, there is no problem in shipment as the ports are open on all the 
days, even export sections of the customs are open. It is also not the view 
of the majority of the businessmen. If a survey is conducted it will be seen 
that most of them are not for Sunday instead of Friday, they may be for one
 day holiday but not for Sunday. 

We request the government to respect the opinion of the general people, 
the political parties and the Ulama because, even otherwise, there is no 
harm in continuing with Friday as holiday. 

Editorial, Asial Post, Friday 02, 2007 

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