Darultawhid > Forum > Islamic Sciences > Quran  > Qur'anic Studies
  Ayaths Regarding signs of hypocrites in The Quran 
  * Sign: Causing Corruption and Mischief upon the earth
  "And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: ‘We 
are only peacemakers.’ Verily! They are the ones who make mischief, but they 
perceive not." Al-Baqarah 2:11,12    

* Sign: Inspiring one another with evil words
  "And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayâtin (devils) among 
mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or 
by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, 
so leave them alone with their fabrications." Al-An‘âm 6:112    

* Sign: Deception and Mendacity
  "They (think to) deceive Allâh and those who believe, while they only deceive 
themselves, and perceive (it) not!" al-Baqarah 2:9    

* Sign: Mocking the believers
  "And when they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe," but when they 
are alone with their Shayâtin (devils - polytheists, hypocrites, etc.), they 
say: "Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking." Al-Baqarah 2:14    

* Sign: Laziness, heedlessness and forgetfulness of Allâh
  "Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allâh, but it is He Who deceives 
them. And when they stand up for As-Salât (the prayer), they stand with 
laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allâh but little." 
An-Nisâ (4:142)    

* Sign: Squandering their mental faculties to use in sin
  "They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return not (to the Right Path)." 
Al-Baqarah 2:18    
* Sign: They lay in wait to chastise and defame the believers
  "Those (hyprocrites) who wait and watch about you; if you gain a victory from 
Allâh, they say: "Were we not with you," but if the disbelievers gain a 
success, they say (to them): "Did we not gain mastery over you and did we not 
protect you from the believers?" Allâh will judge between you (all) on the Day 
of Resurrection. And never will Allâh grant to the disbelievers a way (to 
triumph) over the believers." An-Nisâ 4:141    

* Sign: Rejection of the Hukm (rulings) of Allah and His Prophet.
  "And when it is said to them: "Come to what Allâh has sent down and to the 
Messenger (Muhammad SAW)," you (Muhammad SAW) see the hypocrites turn away from 
you (Muhammad SAW) with aversion." An-Nisâ 4:61    

* Sign: Seeking to rationalize and explain their sinful deeds when they are 
confronted with the evilness of their actions. They seek to conceal their evil 
intentions by swearing that their sinful deeds were unintentional.
  "How then, when a catastrophe befalls them because of what their hands have 
sent forth, they come to you swearing by Allâh, "We meant no more than goodwill 
and conciliation!" an-Nisâ 4:62

"They have made their oaths a screen (for their evil actions). Thus they hinder 
(men) from the Path of Allâh, so they shall have a humiliating torment." 
Al-Mujadilah 58:16 
* Sign: Focusing on the visible ornaments and beautifications. They are 
eloquent speakers who do not act upon their many words. They weave mirages of 
sensibility and grandeur.
  "And when you look at them, their bodies please you; and when they speak, you 
listen to their words. They are as blocks of wood propped up. They think that 
every cry is against them. They are the enemies, so beware of them. May Allâh 
curse them! How are they denying (or deviating from) the Right Path." 
Al-Munafiqûn 63:4    

* Sign: They rejoice at the misfortune and sadness of the believers.
  "If good befalls you (O Muhammad SAW), it grieves them, but if a calamity 
overtakes you, they say: "We took our precaution beforehand," and they turn 
away rejoicing." At-Taubah 9:50    

* Sign: Seeking to please humanity at the expense of displeasing Allah. 
  "They (the hypocrites) swear to you (Muslims) that you may be pleased with 
them, but if you are pleased with them, certainly Allâh is not pleased with the 
people who are Al-Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh)." At-Taubah 9:96   

* Sign: Mocking and defaming the believers
  "Those who defame such of the believers who give charity (in Allâh's Cause) 
voluntarily, and those who could not find to give charity (in Allâh's Cause) 
except what is available to them, so they mock at them (believers), Allâh will 
throw back their mockery on them, and they shall have a painful torment." 
At-Taubah 9:79    

* Sign: They discourage the believers from fighting the disbelievers. They seek 
to cause discord and Fitnah in the ranks of the believers and spread corruption 
and mischief throughout the earth. As such Allah ordained upon them that they 
not join the believers in the battles (out of their own fears).
  "And if they had intended to march out, certainly, they would have made some 
preparation for it, but Allâh was averse to their being sent forth, so He made 
them lag behind, and it was said (to them), "Sit you among those who sit (at 
home). Had they marched out with you, they would have added to you nothing 
except disorder, and they would have hurried about in your midst (spreading 
corruption) and sowing sedition among you, and there are some among you who 
would have listened to them. And Allâh is the All-Knower of the Zâlimûn 
(polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)." at-Taubah 9:46,47 

* Sign: They seek the future in the present, the temporal rather than the 
permanent and the finite happiness to the infinite pleasure. They are the 
foremost in seeking share from the spoils while being the last in earning them 
by setting out for Jihad.
  "Had it been a near gain (booty in front of them) and an easy journey, they 
would have followed you, but the distance (Tabuk expedition) was long for them, 
and they would swear by Allâh, "If we only could, we would certainly have come 
forth with you." They destroy their ownselves, and Allâh knows that they are 
liars." At-Taubah 9:42
  Darultawhid > Forum > Islamic Sciences > Quran  > Qur'anic Studies
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