The whole of Iraq has become Abu Ghraib

By Haifa Zangana

Our streets are prison corridors and our homes cells as the occupiers go about 
their strategic humiliation and intimidation.

07/06/06 "The Guardian" -- -- A'beer Qassim al-Janaby, a 15-year-old Iraqi 
girl, was with her family in Mahmudiyah, 20 miles south of Baghdad, when US 
troops raided the house. A group of soldiers have been charged with her rape 
and the murder of her father, mother, and nine-year-old sister. They are also 
accused of setting A'beer's body on fire.

The al-Janaby family lived near a US checkpoint, and the killings happened at 
2pm on March 11. As usual, a US spokesman ascribed the killings to "Sunni Arab 
insurgents active in the area", contrary to local eyewitnesses.

A'beer's rape and murder is neither incidental nor the product of a US 
soldier's "personality disorder": it is part of a pattern that includes Abu 
Ghraib, as well as the Haditha, Ishaqi and Qaiem
massacres. And we see this pattern as serving a strategic function beyond 
indiscriminate revenge: to couple collective humiliation with intimidation and 

Today, four years into the Anglo-American occupation, the whole of Iraq has 
become Abu Ghraib, with our streets as prison corridors and homes as cells. 
Iraqis are attacked in detention, on the streets and in their homes.

It took almost a year, and published photographs of horrific torture in Abu 
Ghraib, before the world began to heed the voices of the detainees and those 
trying to defend them. The same is happening to women victims.

Abuses, torture and the rape of Iraqi women have been reported for three years 
now by independent Iraqi organisations. But the racist logic of occupation 
means that occupied people are not to be trusted,  and truth is the private 
ownership of the occupiers.

Families of the abused, raped, and killed Iraqi civilians have to wait for 
months, if not years, until a US soldier comes forward to admit responsibility 
and the US military begins an investigation. (For the US military to 
investigate a US soldier's crime has been seen by Iraqis as the killers 
investigating their own technical skills.)

On the October 19 2005, Freedom Voice, an Iraqi Human Rights society, reported 
the rape of three women from the "Saad Bin Abi Waqqas neighbourhood" in Tell 
Afar after a US raid.

The alleged rape took place by soldiers inside the women's own house after the 
arrest of their male relatives. Medical sources in the town said one of the 
women died. A US commander ordered some soldiers detained, and no more was 
heard of this.

Immunity from prosecution under Iraqi or international law is the main fact of 
the occupation and renders laughable any claims of sovereignty. It is based on 
UN security council resolution 1546 and
the accompanying exchange of letters between Iraqi and American authorities. 
This immunity applies equally to the marine units accused of roaming our 
streets high on drugs and to advisers running ministries, to prison guards, 
security guards, multinational forces and corporate contractors of all kinds.

The Iraqi women's ordeal began the moment occupation forces descended upon 
them. Most arrests and raids take place after midnight. In some neighborhoods, 
women now sleep fully dressed so as not to be caught in their nightgowns. 
Armoured cars and helicopters are sometimes deployed
in raids, in a variant on "shock and awe". Troops force women and children to 
watch as they deliberately humiliate their husbands, sons or fathers, and 
sometimes order them to take pictures with US soldiers' cameras. Money and 
jewellery are taken. Are these "terrorist assets confiscated" or spoils of war? 

Random arrests, rapes and killings by the occupation forces continue under the 
so-called "national unity government", which renewed their mandate and immunity 
while at the same time talking of a "national reconciliation initiative".

Despite all the rhetoric, a female minister for human rights and dozens of 
US-funded Iraqi women's organisations, the only outcry we have heard condemning 
the rape of A' beer and the plight of Iraqi
women under occupation is from the anti-occupation Islamist movement.

Occupation authorities and their puppet regime share the denial of violence 
against women. After the sexual abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib, the authorities 
talked about respecting local traditions, and the need to avoid provoking anger 
and give the Iraqi people the sense that the occupation recognises the 
sensitive status of women. 

On occasion, Iraqi collaborators joined in. On April 18 2004, the ministry of 
interior chief, Ahmed Youssef, issued a statement denying maltreatment of 
female detainees. He said: "We are Muslims. We know very well how to treat our 
female detainees." As if violence against women were not a universal crime. 

The abuses continue also in the puppet regime's prisons. On October 20 2005, 
officials of the Kazemiya women's prison reported an instance of rape. The UN 
was refused permission to investigate. According to a report of the UN 
assistance mission to Iraq, Iraqi police tortured a
woman who had been detained in Diwaniya police station since March 2005. The 
victim recounted that electric March 2005. The victim recounted that electric 
shocks were applied to her
heels. She was reportedly told her teenage daughter would be raped if she did 
not supply the information her interrogators wanted.

A report published by the Iraqi National Association for Human Rights on 
October 29 2005 found that women held in interior ministry detention centres 
are subject to numerous human rights violations, including "systematic rape by 
the investigators and ... other forms of bodily harm in order to coerce them 
into making confessions". The report added that prisons fail to meet even the 
most basic standards of hygiene, and that the women were deprived of facilities 
as fundamental as toilets. The ministry of justice has confirmed the accuracy 
of the report.

The wall of denial is cracking. On June 12, al-Jazeera showed footage of 
Mohammed al-Diaeny, a member of parliament, going to a prison in Baquba, near 
Baghdad, where men showed evidence of torture and talked of being raped. Seven 
women detainees were shown but refused to talk.

"Too ashamed", whispered one of them. In response, Jawad al-Bolani, minister of 
the interior, promised investigation. He later vowed to release all women 
prisoners and negotiate with the multinational forces to release theirs.

There will be no end to these violations as long as Iraq remains occupied by 
forces that enjoy immunity from prosecution under Iraqi law and as long as the 
occupation authorities continue to treat Iraqi citizens with racist contempt in 
order to feel better about plundering the nation's wealth and depriving its 
people of their most fundamental rights under international law and human 
rights conventions. 

The Iraqi puppet regime's promises and US investigations of the "personality 
disorders" of their soldiers and the "few bad apples" are irrelevant for 
Iraqis: for them, the Anglo-American occupation means destruction, rape and 

Haifa Zangana is a novelist and former prisoner of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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