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    Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
  Israel is G-d's chosen land, 
Jerusalem - His holy city. 
Yerushalyim - doubly sacred, 
One in Heaven - one on earth. 
  Yerushalem - complete and whole, 
Her Temple filled with love and peace. 
Her presence felt, embracing all, 
G-d's Spirit, which will never cease.
  Nations come, and conquerors go, 
wars directed to one place. 
Evil spreading through the world, 
aimed against the Jewish race.
  But we'll stand firm, 
Our Temple's there, 
though the Mount, itself, is bare. 
We'll guard and save her, 
through our faith, 
and she'll maintain Her loving care.
  -- Rachel Klein 

  . . . to the home page of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful 
Movement. The goal of the Temple Mount Faithful is the building of the Third 
Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in our lifetime in accordance with the 
Word of G-d and all the Hebrew prophets and the liberation of the Temple Mount 
from Arab (Islamic) occupation so that it may be consecrated to the Name of G-d.

  Watch an Interview with Gershon Salomon (~28 min) - High | Low | Audio 
(downloadable mp3) 
      Read the true story of the Maccabees! Download a copy of the 1st book of 
the Maccabees.
Text |  Zip |  PDF 
 Music: Hanukkah, Feast of Dedication  
Click here for the lyrics 
     -->  Important News from the Work of the Temple 
Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement
    Recently, before the Rosh Hashana holiday, the chairman of the Temple Mount 
and Land of Israel Faithful Movement, Gershon Salomon, returned to Israel after 
almost six weeks of his speaking tour in many states of the USA. It was an 
exciting and very important tour. He spoke in many congregations and in every 
place he and his godly end-time message were accepted with great excitement, 
appreciation and love.
  Gershon shared in every place where he spoke the vision and the activities of 
the Faithful Movement for the rebuilding of the end-time Temple of G-d on Mount 
Moriah in Jerusalem as the focus of all the end-time activities of the G-d and 
the people of Israel. He spoke about the exciting redemptive and critical 
situation in Israel today and in the near future that ... more

   Biblical Tour and March to the Temple Mount  
with Gershon Salomon and the  
"Temple Mount Faithful Movement"   10 through 21 December, 2006
$2425.00 round trip from New York  
Special discounts available for groups of eight or more.  
Single supplement [$375.00] and  
Ground Package only [$1550.00]  
are available.  
Click here for more information. 
                                 checknew("09/23/2004")   Voice of the Temple 
Mount Faithful Newsletter - 
Latest Edition! Summer 5765/2005 

Summer 5765/2005 "Text Only" Version 

[PDF] You can download an Adobe Acrobat Reader for free here 
     The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement Marched to the 
Temple Mount in Jerusalem During the Festival of Succoth as an Important Part 
of Their Historical Campaign for the Rebuilding of the Temple 

    As our forefathers in the biblical times did when they made the pilgrimage 
on the Feast of Succoth (the Feast of Tabernacles), the Temple Mount and Land 
of Israel Faithful Movement made an exiting pilgrimage to the Temple Mount, the 
location of the First and the Second Temples and the location of the Third 
Temple which is soon to be rebuilt on the 17th of Tishrei 5767 (October 9, 
  This major event was an important part of the historical campaign of the 
Temple Mount Faithful Movement and her mission to build the Third Temple on the 
Temple Mount in Jerusalem in our lifetime. It was another important step in the 
intensive activities of the Movement. The Faithful Movement marched to the 
Temple Mount with a large model of the Temple and other vessels reconstructed 
to be used in the Third Temple which attracted a lot of attention from 
thousands of Israelis who came to be blessed . . . more 
     A Critical Godly End-Time Situation in Israel and All Over the World

    Israel is facing today in the midst of her holy godly work so many enemies 
that are trying to stop and destroy what G-d is doing in Israel together with 
His chosen people. This is a critical time not only in the history of Israel 
but in the history of all the world. Many godly end-time events are going to be 
a part of the near future. The focus of all of them will be in Israel. Everyone 
in the world is now experiencing a time of a godly test: Do you stand with 
Israel? The meaning is that you stand with G-d at a time when it is critically 
expected from you by G-d. Will you stand against Israel? The meaning is that 
you stand against . . . more 

  The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement  P.O. Box 18325, 
Yohanan Harkanos #4, Jerusalem, Israel  Telephone: 02.625.1112 / FAX: 

© Copyright 1999-2006. All rights reserved. 
No part of this site may be reproduced, 
in print or electronic format, 
without the written consent of the 
Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement.

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