Simon Lundstrom created AMQ-6837:

             Summary: Intermediate CA certificate required in trustStore
                 Key: AMQ-6837
             Project: ActiveMQ
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: JDBC
    Affects Versions: 5.15.1
         Environment: {code}
# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release:        14.04
Codename:       trusty
# java -version
java version "1.8.0_112"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_112-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.112-b15, mixed mode)
            Reporter: Simon Lundstrom

When configuring ActiveMQ to use JDBC and MySQL with SSL the trustStore 
configured must have the intermediate CA certificate in the keystore.

Our certificate uses an intermediate CA, so the cerificate looks like this:
mysql.server -> Intermediate CA -> Root CA.

When using JDBC and/or DBCP directly, like in our example code below, you can 
connect to MySQL by using only the Root CA in your trustStore.

ActiveMQ requires both the Root CA *and* the Intermediate CA.

Example code:
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

public class Launcher {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, 
ClassNotFoundException {
    StringBuffer sb = new 
    sb.append("poolPreparedStatements=true&validationQuery=select 1&");
    // sb.append("trustCertificateKeyStorePassword=changeit&");

    DataSource dataSource = setupDataSource(sb.toString());
    Connection c = dataSource.getConnection();

    Statement st = c.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT 1 as id");
    while ( {
    rs.close(); st.close(); c.close();

  public static DataSource setupDataSource(String connectURI) {
    BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource();
    return ds;

Stacktrace, in JSON, from ActiveMQ:
    "endOfBatch": false,
    "level": "WARN",
    "loggerFqcn": "org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter",
    "loggerName": "",
    "message": "Could not get JDBC connection: Cannot create 
PoolableConnectionFactory (Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet 
successfully received from the server was 760 milliseconds ago.  The last 
packet sent successfully to the server was 755 milliseconds ago.)",
    "thread": "main",
    "thrown": {
        "cause": {
            "cause": {
                "commonElementCount": 23,
                "extendedStackTrace": [
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 192,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "getSSLException",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 154,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "getSSLException",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 2023,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "recvAlert",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1125,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "readRecord",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1769,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "waitForClose",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 124,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "flush",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1083,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "sendChangeCipherSpec",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1222,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "sendChangeCipherAndFinish",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1134,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "serverHelloDone",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 348,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "processMessage",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 979,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "processLoop",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 914,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "process_record",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1062,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "readRecord",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1375,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "performInitialHandshake",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1403,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "startHandshake",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1387,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "startHandshake",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ExportControlled",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 95,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "transformSocketToSSLSocket",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 4793,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "negotiateSSLConnection",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1635,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "proceedHandshakeWithPluggableAuthentication",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 1207,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "doHandshake",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 2254,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "coreConnect",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 2285,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "connectOneTryOnly",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 2084,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "createNewIO",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 795,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "<init>",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 44,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "<init>",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": -2,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "newInstance0",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 62,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "newInstance",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 45,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "newInstance",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "java.lang.reflect.Constructor",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 423,
                        "location": "?",
                        "method": "newInstance",
                        "version": "1.8.0_112"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.Util",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 404,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "handleNewInstance",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 400,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "getInstance",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 327,
                        "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                        "method": "connect",
                        "version": "5.1.37"
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 39,
                        "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                        "method": "createConnection",
                        "version": "2.1.1"
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 256,
                        "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                        "method": "makeObject",
                        "version": "2.1.1"
                        "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 2304,
                        "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                        "method": "validateConnectionFactory",
                        "version": "2.1.1"
                        "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource",
                        "exact": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "line": 2290,
                        "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                        "method": "createPoolableConnectionFactory",
                        "version": "2.1.1"
                "localizedMessage": "Received fatal alert: unknown_ca",
                "message": "Received fatal alert: unknown_ca",
                "name": ""
            "commonElementCount": 23,
            "extendedStackTrace": [
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                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": -2,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance0",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 62,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 45,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "java.lang.reflect.Constructor",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 423,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.Util",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 404,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "handleNewInstance",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 983,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "createCommunicationsException",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ExportControlled",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 110,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
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                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 4793,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "negotiateSSLConnection",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 1635,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "proceedHandshakeWithPluggableAuthentication",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 1207,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "doHandshake",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
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                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 2254,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
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                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 2285,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
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                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 2084,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
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                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 795,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "<init>",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 44,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "<init>",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": -2,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance0",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 62,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 45,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "java.lang.reflect.Constructor",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 423,
                    "location": "?",
                    "method": "newInstance",
                    "version": "1.8.0_112"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.Util",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 404,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "handleNewInstance",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 400,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "getInstance",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 327,
                    "location": "mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar",
                    "method": "connect",
                    "version": "5.1.37"
                    "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.DriverConnectionFactory",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 39,
                    "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                    "method": "createConnection",
                    "version": "2.1.1"
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 256,
                    "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                    "method": "makeObject",
                    "version": "2.1.1"
                    "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 2304,
                    "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                    "method": "validateConnectionFactory",
                    "version": "2.1.1"
                    "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource",
                    "exact": false,
                    "file": "",
                    "line": 2290,
                    "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                    "method": "createPoolableConnectionFactory",
                    "version": "2.1.1"
            "localizedMessage": "Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet 
successfully received from the server was 760 milliseconds ago.  The last 
packet sent successfully to the server was 755 milliseconds ago.",
            "message": "Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet 
successfully received from the server was 760 milliseconds ago.  The last 
packet sent successfully to the server was 755 milliseconds ago.",
            "name": "com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException"
        "commonElementCount": 0,
        "extendedStackTrace": [
                "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource",
                "exact": false,
                "file": "",
                "line": 2294,
                "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                "method": "createPoolableConnectionFactory",
                "version": "2.1.1"
                "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource",
                "exact": false,
                "file": "",
                "line": 2039,
                "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                "method": "createDataSource",
                "version": "2.1.1"
                "class": "org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource",
                "exact": false,
                "file": "",
                "line": 1533,
                "location": "commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar",
                "method": "getConnection",
                "version": "2.1.1"
                "class": "",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 59,
                "location": "activemq-jdbc-store-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "getConnection",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 449,
                "location": "activemq-jdbc-store-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "loadAdapter",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 432,
                "location": "activemq-jdbc-store-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "createAdapter",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 381,
                "location": "activemq-jdbc-store-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "getAdapter",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 296,
                "location": "activemq-jdbc-store-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "init",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 89,
                "location": "activemq-broker-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "preStart",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.util.ServiceSupport",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 54,
                "location": "activemq-client-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "start",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 672,
                "location": "activemq-broker-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "doStartPersistenceAdapter",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 656,
                "location": "activemq-broker-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "startPersistenceAdapter",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 620,
                "location": "activemq-broker-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "start",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.console.command.StartCommand",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 88,
                "location": "activemq-console-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "runTask",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.console.command.AbstractCommand",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 63,
                "location": "activemq-console-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "execute",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.console.command.ShellCommand",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 154,
                "location": "activemq-console-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "runTask",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.console.command.AbstractCommand",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 63,
                "location": "activemq-console-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "execute",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.console.command.ShellCommand",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 104,
                "location": "activemq-console-5.13.4.jar",
                "method": "main",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl",
                "exact": false,
                "file": "",
                "line": -2,
                "location": "?",
                "method": "invoke0",
                "version": "1.8.0_112"
                "class": "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl",
                "exact": false,
                "file": "",
                "line": 62,
                "location": "?",
                "method": "invoke",
                "version": "1.8.0_112"
                "class": "sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl",
                "exact": false,
                "file": "",
                "line": 43,
                "location": "?",
                "method": "invoke",
                "version": "1.8.0_112"
                "class": "java.lang.reflect.Method",
                "exact": false,
                "file": "",
                "line": 498,
                "location": "?",
                "method": "invoke",
                "version": "1.8.0_112"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.console.Main",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 262,
                "location": "activemq.jar",
                "method": "runTaskClass",
                "version": "5.13.4"
                "class": "org.apache.activemq.console.Main",
                "exact": true,
                "file": "",
                "line": 115,
                "location": "activemq.jar",
                "method": "main",
                "version": "5.13.4"
        "localizedMessage": "Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory 
(Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet successfully received from the 
server was 760 milliseconds ago.  The last packet sent successfully to the 
server was 755 milliseconds ago.)",
        "message": "Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Communications 
link failure\n\nThe last packet successfully received from the server was 760 
milliseconds ago.  The last packet sent successfully to the server was 755 
milliseconds ago.)",
        "name": "java.sql.SQLException"
    "timeMillis": 1507702258729

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

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