connect error from mac

2014-01-09 Thread hzwangxx
Hi, all I use java api to access hbase cluster from my mac book as follows: public static void main(String[] args) throws MasterNotRunningException, ZooKeeperConnectionException { Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); config.set("hbase.zoo hung

2014-01-08 Thread hzwangxx
Hi, all I restart a region server by using (bin/ --restart --reload --debug hostname), when running a moment, the process hanging as follows: 2014-01-08 18:40:48,150 [main] INFO region_mover - Moving region 78c953d53f6498664d9a067701a7e7d7 (42 of 340) to ser

Too many file handler in CLOSE_WAIT

2013-12-23 Thread hzwangxx
Hi, I use the shell script “lsof -p rs_pid | grep -c ‘CLOSE_WAIT” on region server,and find a serious problem that this count is increasing day by day. like this: java16619 hadoop 191u IPv6 36668236 0t0 TCP> (

HBase upgrade error

2013-12-15 Thread hzwangxx
0-cdh4.2.1. Waiting for your help. Thanks~ Best Wishes! hzwangxx