Bart Couvreur commented on WAGONSSH-53:
This issue still exists in 1.0-beta-2
After some digging, I found this:
Andris Rauda commented on WAGONSSH-53:
I have the same problem.
after known_hosts were created, I'm no more prompted f
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGONSSH-53?page=comments#action_83078 ]
Igor Tkach commented on WAGONSSH-53:
One workaround to this is to use "yes" (available in Cygwin for those
developing on Windows) to automate answers:
yes yes | mvn d
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGONSSH-53?page=comments#action_82483 ]
Igor Tkach commented on WAGONSSH-53:
I experience the same problem. After manually adding .ssh maven does write
'known_hosts', but then it happily ignores it and keeps
[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGONSSH-53?page=comments#action_78068 ]
Brett Porter commented on WAGONSSH-53:
that's quite strange if the known_hosts is correct. the issue is unresolved
> Error deploying artifact: Authentication