Severe Errors are only logged as debug --------------------------------------
Key: MDEP-203 URL: Project: Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin Issue Type: Bug Reporter: Michael Wenig Assignee: Brian Fox Today I had surprisingly spurios problems occuring visually caused by missing dependencies. Interestingly I could download the artifact using all the urls (including our internal nexus) provided and had no idea what the /&()/%& was going wrong. After a long time (and activating the debug flag) I found the problem: The dependency WAS downloaded but could not be stored in the local repository because of some single bad permissions in folders (there was a root calling a maven-build which leads to some folders owned by root) [DEBUG] Unable to get resource 'jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.1.1' from repository central ( Specified destination directory cannot be created: /data/apps/infrastructure/maven/repository/jaxen/jaxen/1.1.1 Why the hell is such an error just logged as debug????? I think it should be logged in error-scope - this had saved me a lot of time! Please check your logging according such problems. Additionally it would be helpful if any log message would be prepended by the name and version of the plugin which creates it - actually I cannot even say which version of the dependency plugin was used :-( This is the output without debug-flag - there is no hint that there were any local problems: Downloading: Downloading: .. Downloading: Downloading: .. .... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact. Missing: ---------- 1) jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.1.1 Try downloading the file manually from the project website. Then, install it using the command: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=jaxen -DartifactId=jaxen -Dversion=1.1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there: mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=jaxen -DartifactId=jaxen -Dversion=1.1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id] Path to dependency: 1) org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-pmd-plugin:maven-plugin:2.4 2) pmd:pmd-jdk14:jar:4.2.2 3) jaxen:jaxen:jar:1.1.1 ---------- 1 required artifact is missing. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: