I am recently required to change our current ant build process to use
new host, which has only "sftp server" turned on and traditional "ftp
server" turned off.  
Can someone please shed some light on how I can do a maven-sftp call?
According to the maven website, I change my maven deployment to remote
binrepo from
<ftp://chiadvsdap73/datlib/advantage/sig/repository/snapshot> " to
/snapshot". The issues is that I kept on getting passwd prompt which
casuing the build doing infinite loopings on message listed below.
I wonder if anyone has seen this and if there is a way to get around
this issue.
Many Thanks.
Here is the code I try to do wth sftp.
    <target name="distRemoteBinaryRepository" if="deploy.official">
      <echo message="Deploying to remote
itory/snapshot" level="info"/>
      <artifact:localRepository id="repo.local.id"
        <artifact:deploy file="${dist.artifact.file}"
settingsFile="${dist.repo.settings}" uniqueVersion="false">
         <pom refid="dist.pom.file.id"/>
         <localRepository refid="repo.local.id"/>
         <remoteRepository url="${adv.repo.remote.dist.url}">
            <authentication username="${adv.repo.remote.user}"
Here is the log as the build stuck on deploying to remote binrepo server
and kept rolling...

             [echo] Deploying foundation to remote
        Warning: Reference repo.local.id has not been set at runtime,
but was found during
        build file parsing, attempting to resolve. Future versions of
Ant may support
         referencing ids defined in non-executed targets.
        [artifact:deploy] Deploying to
        [artifact:deploy] The authenticity of host 'chiadvsdap62' can't
be established.
        [artifact:deploy] DSA key fingerprint is
        [artifact:deploy] Are you sure you want to continue connecting?
        [artifact:deploy] The authenticity of host 'chiadvsdap62' can't
be established.
        [artifact:deploy] DSA key fingerprint is
        [artifact:deploy] Are you sure you want to continue connecting?
        [artifact:deploy] The authenticity of host 'chiadvsdap62' can't
be established.
        [artifact:deploy] DSA key fingerprint is
        [artifact:deploy] Are you sure you want to continue connecting?
        [artifact:deploy] The authenticity of host 'chiadvsdap62' can't
be established.

A.C.E.S. System Engineering
Global Markets Technology
Bank of America
233 S Wacker Dr Ste 2800
Chicago, IL 60606
(O) 312-234-3167
(C) 847-323-1964

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