[GitHub] metron pull request #670: METRON-1065 grok pattern for cisco asa parser expe...

2018-05-14 Thread basvdl
GitHub user basvdl reopened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/670 METRON-1065 grok pattern for cisco asa parser expects syslog pri ## Contributor Comments Cisco ASA logs does not always contain a priority code at the beginnen of the event. Therefore I&#x

[GitHub] metron pull request #670: METRON-1065 grok pattern for cisco asa parser expe...

2018-05-14 Thread basvdl
Github user basvdl closed the pull request at: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/670 ---

[GitHub] metron pull request #531: METRON-854 create dhcp dump parser

2018-05-09 Thread basvdl
Github user basvdl closed the pull request at: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/531 ---

[GitHub] metron issue #531: METRON-854 create dhcp dump parser

2018-05-09 Thread basvdl
Github user basvdl commented on the issue: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/531 Closing PR, since we don't want to change the source code of DHCPdump. Bro should be able to deliver the same functionality. ---

[GitHub] metron issue #531: METRON-854 create dhcp dump parser

2018-05-01 Thread basvdl
Github user basvdl commented on the issue: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/531 @nickwallen agreed! ---

[GitHub] metron issue #531: METRON-854 create dhcp dump parser

2018-05-01 Thread basvdl
Github user basvdl commented on the issue: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/531 @nickwallen based on the following pull request (https://github.com/bro/bro/pull/121) Bro has extended their DHCP protocol analyzer. Based on their writing it seems that the same information in