[GitHub] metron issue #1232: METRON-1813 Stellar REPL Not Initialized with Client JAA...

2018-10-10 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/1232 > @mmiklavc: just curious about the proposed test which says to source the metron env script. You don't have to source /etc/default/metron before running the stellar script. I only add

[GitHub] metron issue #1232: METRON-1813 Stellar REPL Not Initialized with Client JAA...

2018-10-09 Thread mmiklavc
Github user mmiklavc commented on the issue: https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/1232 @nickwallen, just curious about the proposed test which says to source the metron env script. In the stellar shell script you introduced a change that does exactly that - `source $METRON_SYSCONFIG`