
I sent this message a moment ago but I think it bounced; sorry if it ends up 
sending twice. 

Anyway, I'm using mbsync to download mail from a work-provided IMAP store 
(which I don't have shell access to) to a local Maildir store. I use mutt to 
work on the Maildir and then mbsync expunges those remote files that I've 
deleted/expunged locally with mutt. 

This is all well and good except that I'm calling mbsync every minute with 
crontab and many times at work I'll reply to an email in a thread only to find 
out that there have been several new emails in the <60 seconds since mbsync 
last delivered mail to me... so I'm wondering if/hoping there's a better way to 
do what I'm doing. I'm aware of mswatch, but, again, I do not have shell access 
to the remote IMAP store. 

Thanks in advance for any ideas/suggestions.                                    
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