[ITCENTER] oot : lowongan dosen sistem informasi di Universitas Bakrie

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik Fany Blue
Information of Lecturer Requirements Bakrie University is looking for a Lecturer Position especially at Major of Information Systems, Here with this the Requirements that we need : General requirements: 1. Have a Master (S2) or Doctoral (S3) level degree from a reputable university,

[ITCENTER] Oot : Undangan Seminar International FTIK - GRATIS!!

2011-02-06 Terurut Topik Fany Blue
Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Bakrie Mempersembahkan : Seminar Bersertifikasi Gratis yang bertajuk : International Project Formulation and Management Japan - Indonesia Speaker : Prof. Yasuyuki Sagara, Ph.D Prof. Emeritus of The University of Tokyo, Japan and Executive