Rekan2 IT sekalian,
Kenapa ya, akhir2 ini beberapa user hotmail di tempat saya bermasalah. Tiba2 aja di OE : hotmailnya tinggal Inbox doang. Send Items, Deleted Items dan Bulk Mail hilang. Semua email yg di Inbox hilang, tinggal 1 email doang. isinya: ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Hotmail Staff To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 09:46 Subject: Please visit Dear user1 To help protect our users from automatically generated junk e-mail (or spam), MSN Hotmail periodically asks for identity verification. Please go to and follow the instructions. It takes only a few minutes and you can then return to using your Hotmail account Thank you for helping us to help reduce your junk e-mail. Sincerely, MSN Hotmail Staff Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is an unmonitored alias ------------------------------------------------------------ Setelah itu ke, masukan Userid & password, kemudian muncul menu "Match The Picture" yg ada beberapa huruf & angka, dan kita harus mengisinya di box yg disediakan (kalo dlm keadaan normal, Menu "Match the Picture ini ngga ada"). Messagenya gini: "To continue, type the characters that you see in this picture. This helps to ensure that a person, and not an automated program, is using this service.": Setelah masukin Characternya, dan continue, udah di website hotmail, dan ternyata email2nya ada semua. Saya jalanin OE, langsung muncul semuanya... (Inbox, Send Items, Deleted Items, Bulk Email). Akan tetapi, ±10menit kemudian, masalah yg sama terulang kembali dimana Hotmail di OE tinggal Inbox doang... Saya sudah coba naikin junk email (or spam) filter ke level lebih tinggi, tapi tetap aja masalah ini muncul. Mungkin ada rekan2 sekalian yg pernah mengalaminya bisa berbagi pengalaman, atau advise apa yg harus dilakukan sehingga email hotmailnya kembali normal. Hatur Nuhun, Alvin -- - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ::: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! ::: ## Forum: ## Jobs: ## Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: