[ITCENTER] Recruitment..Programmer! Java, Dotnet, PHP

2008-01-25 Terurut Topik Googie
We are looking for the best candidates to fill our vacant position as a programmer. *Senior Java Programmer 3 personnel* * - Domicile in Jakarta * - Bachelor Degree below 35 YoA * - Having experience programming with JAVA minimum 3 years exp * - Thorough knowledge of OO paradigm

[ITCENTER] Recruitment of Sales Engineer @ Software Company in Bandung

2007-12-17 Terurut Topik Arif Rahmat
Cipta Citra Codena is the principal inventor of Digital Mark Reader (DMR). We are a fast growing company with hundreds of clients from Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea. As a leading software company, we are looking for 8 high talented individuals to join our elite Sales Engineer team. For

[ITCENTER] Recruitment Mambo Module

2007-09-16 Terurut Topik andreas sulistiyo
hai web programmer... Mao minta bantuan nie, ada yang tau web buat download modul mambo buat recruitment karyawan? modulenya, tolongin y.. -andrey- - Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play Sims Stories at Yahoo!

[ITCENTER] Recruitment

2005-02-21 Terurut Topik itrecr2004
Hi, We need employees for U.S, U.K, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Australia, France, Germany, Canada, India, Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The available job categories are: Project Manager Business Development Executives Web Designer Graphic Designer / Multimedia Designer Multimedia Developer for