rezakh68, rezakh68 wrote > I have a Cms in ASN1 Structure and a pdfpkcs7 object and i want to set > this cms to the Pdfpkcs7 obj
I'm not sure I correctly understand you. Am I right to assume that you generate a CMS container externally which shall be used for an integrated PDF signature? In that case you most likely should use MakeSignature.SignExternalContainer or even MakeSignature.SignDeferred. Regards, Michael -- View this message in context: Sent from the iText - General mailing list archive at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your Java,.NET, & PHP application. Start your 15-day FREE TRIAL of AppDynamics Pro! _______________________________________________ iText-questions mailing list iText(R) is a registered trademark of 1T3XT BVBA. Many questions posted to this list can (and will) be answered with a reference to the iText book: Please check the keywords list before you ask for examples: