: [iText-questions] Image scaling not possible in some cases
Somehow there was a formatting problem with my thread. Here is it again:
Hi all,
I'd like to put paragraphs in columns and add images in between so that they
don't overlap but follow each other. As it turns out, I can do this but
Hi all,
I'd like to put paragraphs in columns and add images in between so that they
don't overlap but follow each other. As it turns out, I can do this but
can't scale the image at the same time.To be more specific:
When I add images
Image img = Image.getInstance(imgFile);
and when I am in c
Somehow there was a formatting problem with my thread. Here is it again:
Hi all,
I'd like to put paragraphs in columns and add images in between so that they
don't overlap but follow each other. As it turns out, I can do this but
can't scale the image at the same time.To be more specific: