It's "The number of degrees by which the widget
Annotation is rotated counterclockwise relative to the
page. The value must be a multiple of 90."
Best Regards,
Paulo Soares
--- bin shi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, but it doesn't tell how to use the parameter
> of setMKRotation(int rotatio
Thanks, but it doesn't tell how to use the parameter
of setMKRotation(int rotation) in the API
specification, is it a angle? And after I call this
function, what else should I do? like this:
PdfFormField pdfFF =
acroForm.addSingleLineTextField("name", "your name",
helv, fontSize, 171, 400, 350,
You can use PdfFormField.setMKRotation() but I admit
that this should be done by iText.
Best Regards,
Paulo Soares
--- Leonard Rosenthol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 3:33 PM -0500 10/30/02, bin shi wrote:
> > I am using PdfAcroForm to create TextField,
> >CheckBox and etc in PDF. when I cr
At 3:33 PM -0500 10/30/02, bin shi wrote:
I am using PdfAcroForm to create TextField,
CheckBox and etc in PDF. when I create I a rotate
document, like this:
com.lowagie.text.Document pdfDocument = new
texts in all these fields show vertically.
Hi, everyone
I am using PdfAcroForm to create TextField,
CheckBox and etc in PDF. when I create I a rotate
document, like this:
com.lowagie.text.Document pdfDocument = new
texts in all these fields show vertically. I changed
to normal documen