Thanks, I'll add a link to the contributions page.
Em ter, 16 de jul de 2019 17:35, Matthew Kennedy
> First off, acknowledgements to Scuri for all your patience with my
> questions about the IUP internals a few months ago. Thanks also Eric, for
> pushing me in the right
First off, acknowledgements to Scuri for all your patience with my
questions about the IUP internals a few months ago. Thanks also Eric, for
pushing me in the right direction regarding threads.
Thought I'd start announcing this project, by announcing it here first.
I've been working on some lispy,
> it looks like FTGL statically linked in Is that correct?
No, the define FTGL_LIBRARY_STATIC is used only for Windows, and it is
not related to linking FTGL.
> Do the libftgl binaries need to be packages as well for cdgl to work?
Yes, they do.
> If so, would you suggest someth
>>> Thanks Hernan. The problem is that I need a version that hasn’t been
built yet
Ok, Simon. Thanks.
Iup-users mailing list
Ah you're right. I am linking on the system ftgl and that is very likely
why I was seeing the cdgl example crashing during testing.
Comparing against the official tecgraf binaries for cd, it looks like FTGL
statically linked in Is that correct? There's also, a
libftgl.{so,a} distribute
That's great. Thanks a lot.
Checkinstall really does magic.
I would prefer separate files for each Lua versions, but since you are
seeing this as common practice it is ok.
I think the next step would be to add those packages to the Debian
distribution list. This would be a major game cha
Thanks Hernan. The problem is that I need a version that hasn’t been built yet.
>> We are going to release a new IUP version with the changes I commited to the
>> SVN in the next couple of weeks. (Scuri)
OK that’s great – thank you. If you would like me to test the new