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New Media's Trust Sources

Updated September 30, 2010, 11:48 AM

Burt Herman<http://www.burtherman.com/> is co-founder and chief executive of 
Storify<http://storify.com/>, a platform for telling stories with social media, 
and founder of Hacks/Hackers<http://hackshackers.com/>, an international 
organization of journalists and technologists.

We all now have a megaphone to reach the entire world. For whatever cause or 
interest, one person alone has the ability to broadcast a message on the 
Internet that can potentially be heard by billions of people. The barrier to 
publishing is basically zero.
In the Internet roar, trusted 'curators' are filtering the most relevant 
information for their communities.

This wasn't the case in the age of mass media. Just a few years ago, the power 
to reach mass audiences was confined to those who had access to a printing 
press, radio tower or television studio. Gatekeepers like journalists and 
broadcast executives controlled how messages spread. Now, anyone with a mobile 
phone can send a message to Twitter and instantly become a global publisher. 
Anyone with a YouTube account has their own TV station.

This democratization of media means anyone can reach out and find others who 
share their vision, regardless of geographic boundaries. Causes can spread at 
the speed of light, and "go viral" as they are shared on social networks.

That means everyone is competing for attention in a media environment that now 
is flooded with information. The noise from all these personal megaphones has 
come together in one global roar, so overwhelming that we are struggling to 
hear the voices that matter.

Many people are now trying to find ways to solve this problem. Technology 
companies try to sift through this information flood algorithmically. But so 
far, technology only gets us part of the way there, helping tame this river of 
information into a stream.

To filter that stream, a new class of gatekeepers has arisen, people whose 
reputations are built on their ability to highlight relevant information to 
their audiences. We are still looking for the right word to call these new 
gatekeepers, but so far "curator" is what appears most appropriate.

Rather than the mass media of before, where audiences were grouped together 
based on how far radio waves reached or the distance newspaper delivery trucks 
drove, curators find audiences with shared interests. They filter the most 
relevant information and add context through their commentary and insight, like 
the explanations on the gallery walls of an art exhibition. The most successful 
curators build a following based on knowing what their audiences want.

And that's where things come back to where we started. At its heart, social 
media is about being social and building genuine connections between people. 
The most authentic voices are what move people to act, something that will 
always be the case regardless of the technology used to transmit the message.

José A. López
Globomedia, Dpto. de Documentación-Comunicación

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