Dnia 11-11-2007, nie o godzinie 00:56 -0500, Craig Andrews pisze:
> Jabberd2 should have connected to xmpp-server.l.google.com with IP

This is a bit strange.
Do you have <lookup/> section in s2s.xml configured correctly?

> Is there something wrong with Jabberd2's resolver?

Well... ;-)
Depends on how you look at it. It generally works, but...

It does not use alternative addresses - only the first one.
It does not honor SRV records weight.
There are problems with synchronous resolution timeouts.

Enough to say, it's currently under major rewrite and should work better
with next release.

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^'  Xiaoka.com

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